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This morning practice was not that great due to sexual activity the night before....


Mi~Beloved’s Remark:


One mistake that is made by yogis is where they do not understand that the material body is a collective enterprise like a joint-stock company. This means that when all stock holders agree to do something, it is a joint agreement not an individual enterprise. But all the same when some stock holders do not agree to spend their money in a way which other holders desire, that means that the first group has every right to spend the money in that other way as compared to the second group.


Hence it is stupid to say the least and downright lacking in insight if one stock holder feels that when all the stock holder agree, the purchase is made for that one stock holder and that does not have to be parceled out. And then it is stupid again when one stock holder feels undone when the other stock holders do not buy into that single holder’s desire.


Let me break this down again because I find that many students are foolishly clinging to their own understanding of what happens and do not want to hear what I am saying. In addition some students are stuck with the tendency to rationalize that everything must make sense within the orb of their own little minds. Okay, see if you can follow this and if you do, please submit a simplified explanation as a reply to this post. Use your own examples in that article.


Jim’s father opened a family bank account for $100. As it was laid out on the paper at the bank. Father had a 50% share in the account which meant that the father by himself would use $50 total and no more. Jim’s mother was to use 25% of the total which was $25. Jim was to use 15% which was $15. Jim’s sister was to use 9% which was $9 and the family pet was to be taken care of with 1% which was $1.


Let me itemize that so we can see the account in a billing format

Father  $50

Mother $25

Jim       $15

Sister    $9

Pet        $1


It so happened that Jim’s father was a busy man. Instead of handling the money himself he arranged with bank officials that Jim would have the authority to use all of the money on behalf of either Jim or any other family member including the dear pet.


One day there was a crisis because their house burnt down. Jim’s father was in a panic. He called a family. They decided to withdraw all money from the account so that they could make purchases to begin building a new house. Jim left the family, went to the bank and withdraw the $100.


Jim was very happy to have that $100 in his hand. It felt so good to have all that money and to be the one person whom the family used in dealing with their funds.


Soon after this, the father’s business began to boom. He made a big profit. Then he called the family together and explained that he reestablished the account. He did however state that Jim would no longer be able to withdraw money for anyone but himself. At first this was a little confusing to Jim but he soon got over it. However deep in Jim’s mind he did not really understand what his father’s new action meant.


One day, Jim got into some difficulty because he was in a car accident. He was proven to be a traffic violator and needed $100 dollars to pay a court fine. Jim at this time remembered that his father had reestablished the account and that the amount in the bank was $100. He rushed to the bank to withdraw the money but he forgot that it was only $15 to his name. He filled out the withdrawal slip for $100 but when he went to the teller, she informed him that he could only withdrawal his portion of $15.


Jim was disappointed.


This means that when Jim was authorized to withdraw all the money on behalf of himself and the other family members Jim was arrogantly thinking as if the money was his in total even though even then only $15 was his share He enjoyed the $100 instead of his rightful portion of $15.


What does this mean? Does it mean that Jim is incapable of restricting his enjoyment of the money to his %15 shares? Must Jim always be thinking that the entire sum is his when he is authorized to withdraw all of it or when he is authorize to withdraw only his portion of it?




This morning during practice  I noticed that I felt like I was being filled up and cleaned a lot quicker than before.


Mi~Beloved’s Remark:


This happens because the sexual hormone energy is absent and so it is not present to infused and moved. The infused energy passes quickly through the area where the sex hormonal energy was before it was used up in sexual activity.



Replies (1)

      Illustration of concept from DevaPriya study group of Bhagavad Gita, of commentary by RishiDeva Michael Beloved:






      Every limited entity has a quota of material energy at his disposal. This means that we are responsible for the use and abuse of that portion. Therefore, we cannot really lump all the liabilities on the Supreme Lord. The Lord is the Master of the sum total reality but that does not mean that He is personally responsible for our small quota; rather He is an overseer, a supervisor of a vast array of persons and energies. In the final analysis, we should see to our own interest but we should do this under His direction.



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