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Cult Leader OSHO aka Rajneesh

Bhagwan Rajneesh (Osho) Was Rajneesh a Superior Cult Leader?


The human psyche it seems overall has much room for evolution, perhaps.Charisma seems to easily attract or lure it. Understandably, the Lord God would have infinite quantity of that?

OSHO: How Best to Deal with Fear


Replies (3)
    • Grande's analysis is interesting.

      It is something how someone can express an opinion about one's life and times in such a summary.

      • Rajnesh's diagnosis about fear begins with a flaw which is that someone came alone into the world with no one to be attached to.

        That is not true. There is no single child anywhere who came into the world without a dependency, at least dependency on the body of the mother. A close examination of infants shows that each one is dependent from day one.

        Even the test tube baby which did not develop in a woman's body is dependent on the scientist who manages the conditions in the test tube. Dependency cannot be eliminated.

        Is that an oversight of Rajnesh??????????

        • I skipped through his dealing with fear video above.I was able to notice his charisma in the presentation.The content seemed the usual luck luster with lack of depth that most these gurus put out.As much as Dr. Grande says, they have some common characteristics when it comes to their presentations or lectures. It's all in the form and not much in the essence. A string of platitudes that impress the unaware.

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