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Core Radiance Meditation

The situation of the atma or coreSelf is called to question continually in ascetic groups. There is much contention about it. The advaita vedantists declare it to be an illusion. They accept brahman only. They site the ultimate answer given to anyone who dared to ask the question of:

Who am I?

In the Upanishads the answer is given in a classic statement which endures to this day:

You are that (tat twam asi).

And what is that?

That is brahman

And what is brahman

It is the ultimate reality, the factor at which all probing and considerations ends.

But the word atma, which I render in English as coreSelf, is in the Upanishads. It stalls everything and keeps the debate going. To make matters worse, a prefix word is used as jivatma, jiva + atma which indicates a specific atma or that atmas are specific, one from the other. This completes the classic statement like this:

You are that specific atma


Despite being brahman, you are a specific atma

There is a meditation approach which is termed atma yoga. In general, this is focus (samyama) of the iSelf on itself, of the coreSelf on itself. This is the realization of self radiance. This is the light of consciousness focusing on what it is, as to how it radiates itself and how it powers that radiation.

In physical experience, whatever radiates has a time limit but the iSelf’s limit in terms of when it will cease radiance may be rated in deep meditation only and by one self at a time only, not as a collective research. This is due to its subjectivity. The subject is handicapped for self-rating.

Each of the iSelves are surrounded by energy. They interact with this energy just by their presence in it. The interaction is similar to sunrays which leave the sun and reach the earth’s surface where these departed rays become involved elsewhere. All the same the sun continues spreading nuclear energy night and day, as the iSelf pours out existence-energy or consciousness day after day.

In meditation when feeling the radiance of the coreSelf, that core should absorb radiant energy which is on par with itself or which seems to be higher than itself but never energy which is of a lower vibration than itself. It should absorb this energy. This will relief the stress of needing to be in contact with an environment which is on existential par with itself.

If when doing this the self finds that the energy it absorbs is below the vibration of itself, that self should cease the absorption action and should only radiate itself and keep its focus on the radiation, ignoring any lower energy which is in the environment which surrounds itself.

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