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Constipation / Elderly Years

Like it or not the functions of a material body will inevitably slow and eventually cease entirely. That must happen because it is the law or routine of nature, which no one can change. We may temporarily interrupt it. However it will take its course regardless.



In my experience the digestion-evacuation process changes as the body ages. At 67+ years, I can vouch for the fact that nature gradually and surely shuts down the system. Right now in my body I am struggling with constipation but I managed to deal with it in two ways.


Hey, the good thing about this failure of nature to support my need for a healthy youthful material body, is that it is a joke on me except that I do not find it to be funny, even though I should. It is one of the greatest laugh shows I ever saw but somehow I cry about it instead of laugh heartily. How sad indeed!


The two methods are:

Proper diet

Vigilant checking of evacuation on a daily basis


These two aspects are complicated. However I discovered that my colon-rectum system is slowed in comparison to when the body was thirty years of age. It slowed over time where I hardly noticed it, and then one day I noticed it for sure.


The other thing which I might mention is that the trigger nerve for causing stool to move from the colon to the rectum is just about not functioning. The muscles of the rectum are not doing what they used to do where they promptly expel any stool which enter the rectum sack. What should I do about that? Nothing. Unless I get a transplant from an infant body or from a pig body so that my old nerve trigger mechanism is replaced by a near-new one.


Recently, out of the blues, Yogeshwarananda showed me a pose which he said he used to force out the stool which lingers in the colon near the rectum but which the trigger nerve just does not give the alarm and which if one sits on a commode Western style, it will not evacuate because the muscular actions required are no longer working.


I posted about this but I will repeat the post below.


So far this works but I have to know mentally when to do it because the alarm system which used to alert me about when to evacuate is no longer ringing. It is done for.



Question is:


What did I do in terms of diet and evacuation habits years ago which aggravated nature’s termination system? After all the termination is mandatory but I did not have to aggravate it by bad diet and ill-timed evacuation. At this age of the body at 60+, I have to consider what bad habits I maintain and which of these will go with me hereafter and again will be reinstated if I take another body.


It is not what to do to save this body or to slow down the death of this body, but rather what to do to change the self-destructive tendencies which are in the subtle body because those will go with me no matter what I do to treat the physical system.


Forget the Titanic. It does not have to go down in a glorious way, nor in a slow way. It could be rapid descent into the deep or a slow poke sink which takes years before at last it is no longer seen.


What about the life raft which will leave the ship and keep me safe until a rescue boat arrives? I will focus on the life raft, the subtle body.

Replies (1)
    • Hatha Yoga Evacuation
      Posted on February 20, 2019

      In hatha yoga, evacuation is important to be sure that the body does not hold waste any longer than necessary which means that the waste is released from the rectum as soon as it arrives there having descended through the colon.


      The best posture for evacuation is a squatting position but the modern commode discourages that. It is a great invention, this modern commode. It services hygiene globally but its disadvantage is that it is designed for sitting and not squatting. Sitting to evacuate is easy but it discourages and to a degree impedes the muscular actions which are involved during evacuation.


      When one squats one can access the expulsion muscles much more efficiently. If not some waste may linger in the rectum or colon and that makes for a more inefficient clean energy, resulting in the kundalini being on a lower plane of consciousness which negatively impact the meditation and dimension-accessing process.


      Can one squat on a modern commode?


      If one has a supple body one may do that safely, otherwise it is dangerous because of the possibility of slipping. In some Asian countries modern squat toilets are in popular use.

      There are several squat positions. I was inspired to do variations of one which currently I find to be the most effective one to operate the expulsion muscles of the rectum and lower colon. This posture was shown by Yogeshwarananda. See it below. The hands should hold the calves, or thighs or feet while the evacuation pressure is applied. This will cause the expulsion force to go downward. Otherwise if some of it goes upwards, there will be less pressure on the waste with the result that there will be no or just some waste expelled.

      evacuation posture


       evacuation posture

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