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Confusing and strange dream

I can help you with this but first you have to get rid of the idea that this needs to be interpreted or that it has any relevance to your physical existence.


Astral occurrences should be seen primarily as just that and having little or no relationship to what is physical, as being incidences which happen in other dimensions all on their own and which pertain to those dimensions which continue their history even after one had the experience.


Let us look at this in in other way.


Suppose some person transited to this earth planet after being a resident in some other planet somewhere. She miraculously finds herself on earth walking on a street in say New York or in Port-of Spain. Supposed she stays here for 10 years and participates because she landed here with a body which was like ours and had an identity automatically. Then after that ten years she finds that she is back on his home world, but she remembers what happened here.


Then what should she do?


I am asking you this and expect you to provide a coherent answer because I want to know if you think she should tell the people in her home world that she came here and that they should interpret what happened here in terms of her existence and history in that other place?




Now to be sure you understand me, I am not saying that in all astral experiences there might be no relevance to physical reality but I am saying that first when we have such experiences, we should see these as having primary relevance in that other dimension, the astral place, and if possible we should leave it at that and should not try to force it over into the earth history or to make it make sense within the current scene we are in on earth.


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