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Cell Kundalini / Full Spread

Conventional kundalini strikes like lightning with a sharp penetrating action which moves at the speed of light. It moves from the muladhar base chakra up through the spine into the head. It may or may not reach the brahmrandra crown chakra. It may or may not brighten the brow chakra (third eye). Usually it subsides back to chakra as soon as its charge of energy fizzes out.


This is spinal kundalini which uses a spinal central passage called sushumna nadi. To help guide kundalini through the passage and to be sure that it rises uniformly and enters the brain in a centralized way, a yogi applies several restricting locks. The basis ones from the bottom up are anal lock, sex lock, navel lock, rib cage contraction, chin-against-the-throat lock and centralizing pressure in the head.


Besides the conventional kundalini there are other kundalini experiences which are similar but which are just as important once the yogi makes the arousal of spinal kundalini a daily habit.


There is front strike kundalini. There is right side and left side kundalini. There is right and left arm kundalini, right and left thigh kundalini, right and left leg kundalini, foot kundalini, hand kundalini. These are strike kundalinis which are recognizable as being similar to the lightning strike kundalini which moves up the spine. These have the aspect of moving rapidly, striking quickly like a cobra.



Apart from this strike kundalini which is similar to lightning flashing, there is cell kundalini which is completely different because it does not rely on the central spinal passage or on any major or minor nadi subtle tubes for passage.


Cell kundalini does not strike like lightning, instead it flashes or glows like the first dawn or the last light at sunset. It has a bliss yielding energy just as the spinal kundalini does, except that the flavor and distribution is different. While in spinal kundalini the bliss energy is rapid and stunning, cell kundalini is evident and filling, where it feels as if it has a slow spread which can be apprehended by the yogi rather than in spinal kundalini where it strikes rapidly regardless of if the yogi can control it or not.


Cell kundalini happens at first with bunches of cells each expressing their individual micro-kundalinis simultaneously. The yogi experiences this as a bliss yield with frosty crystals in a certain area of the trunk of the subtle body. When this happens repeatedly day after day, it eventually switches to a complete trunk kundalini where the entire trunk of the subtle body has all its micro-kundalinis expressing themselves simultaneously. This feels as if the entire trunk is made of pixelated energy of bliss in the color of white, or ice-white, or blue-tinged white or white yellow energy, and with a camphor cooling or camphor heating bliss feeling.



This saturates the entire trunk of the subtle body. In some experiences it spreads through the neck into the lower head. In some experiences, energy comes up from the thighs and joins the bliss in the trunk where they become in a mix of bliss feelings and a perception of being in sparkling crystal light.

Replies (3)
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      • olga Jimenez

        olga Jimenez I love this

      • Vincent Milardo

        Vincent Milardo I find practising tai chi, self-hypnosis and meditation a powerful and natural way to acheive the non ordinary state. Once felt and acheived ecpressing it through service creates balance and joy...

      • Michelle Edwards

        Michelle Edwards Fascinating. Thanks for posting

      • Tuula Biamont

        Tuula Biamont Hi, Michael! I wonder if the right side and left side kundalini, right and left arm kundalini, right and left thigh kundalini and so on, can give strong tremblings and shakings of the body? Often spontaneously? I experience this kind of shaking quite often and it always starts from my left arm, going on to other parts of my body. In the end the whole trunk is shaking. I don't understand what it is all about... :(

      • Michael Beloved

        Michael Beloved Tuula Biamont,
        Your experience is definitely being initiated and controlled by kundalini but then again nearly everything done in the body and by the body which is involuntary is configured by the kundalini. 

        For all it is the core-self, the atma (Sanskrit), is not the factor among factors which runs and maintains the body. This is done by the kundalini with some help from the core-self. 
        What or who is the core?
        It is the observing self and it is only the superficial master of decisions. For instance who or what makes the decision to breathe? Of course at some times, infrequently that observing self takes command of the breathing apparatus but in most cases, it does not control breathing.

        My issue here is that everything, nearly everything being done in or by the body is kundalini operating with the observing self as a superficial bystander, a willing or unwilling witness, an objective or subjective involver.

      • Michael Beloved

        Michael Beloved Tuula Biamont,

        Special actions of the kundalini may be initiated by the kundalini or by the core-self. These are the actions which we are concerned with as yogis. But we are also observant of what the kundalini does as in your experience where it causes the body to shake and tremble in an unusual way.

        The special actions are usually accompanied by bliss feelings as I described in the original post. In your experiences is there any bliss feelings as described:

        This feels as if the entire trunk is made of pixelated energy of bliss in the color of white, or ice-white, or blue-tinged white or white yellow energy, and with a camphor cooling or camphor heating bliss feeling.


      • Responses:



        • Tuula Biamont Thank you, Michael, sounds to me like Kundalini is the life force that rules the body. In my experience I cannot say that I have feelings of bliss in the way you describe it. But afterwords, when the trembling has stopped, I always feel very calm and serene. In peace, you could say. 

          The trembling quite often starts, when my stomach is not well (I have a chronical intestine illness, UC). But not only then, the shaking can start just like that, most of all before I fall asleep in the evening. Many years ago I could start the trembling by myself, in a short meditation, but now I don't do this kind of meditation anymore.

        • Michael Beloved

          Michael Beloved Tuula Biamont,
          My guess is that you have a medical condition in which nerves which run the length of the body are affected by the UC. There is a communications problem as a result where signals from the kundalini to the cells, and signals in response from the cells to the kundalini, are interrupted/ distorted and so relays the wrong information or are executed in the wrong way because the cells which are to carry out those instructions are unable to when they receive either the correct or distorted relays.

          If the UC condition is reversible, then tracking down the cause of it such as diet, wrong times of eating, wrong types of exercise and eliminating those causes would provide relief and cure.

          If however the condition is irreversible or has developed beyond the point of return, then finding ways of dampening it, or not aggravating and stimulating it, would be the application.

        • Michael Beloved

          Michael Beloved Ultimately we are all faced with some time-bomb which is already in the body and which will trigger its demise. Some deliberate or involuntary act will bring this body to its end.

          Then what?

          Is there a different answer to this for those who do or do not have a terminal condition?

          He travelled first class with all perks. The other guy travelled economy, packed in the back near the smells from the lavatory.

          Still, both had to embark once the aircraft landed.


          • Michael Beloved Tuula Biamont,
            My guess is that you have a medical condition in which nerves which run the length of the body are affected by the UC. There is a communications problem as a result where signals from the kundalini to the cells, and signals in response from the cells to the kundalini, are interrupted/ distorted and so relays the wrong information or are executed in the wrong way because the cells which are to carry out those instructions are unable to when they receive either the correct or distorted relays.

            If the UC condition is reversible, then tracking down the cause of it such as diet, wrong times of eating, wrong types of exercise and eliminating those causes would provide relief and cure.

            If however the condition is irreversible or has developed beyond the point of return, then finding ways of dampening it, or not aggravating and stimulating it, would be the application.

          • Michael Beloved

            Michael Beloved Ultimately we are all faced with some time-bomb which is already in the body and which will trigger its demise. Some deliberate or involuntary act will bring this body to its end.

            Then what?

            Is there a different answer to this for those who do or do not have a terminal condition?

            He travelled first class with all perks. The other guy travelled economy, packed in the back near the smells from the lavatory.

            Still, both had to embark once the aircraft landed.

          • Tuula Biamont

            Tuula Biamont Thank you, again, Michael for your answers. Thank you for caring! 

            I sometimes hope that the shakings are there to heal my intestine, because it often starts when I am not feeling well. I guess it is wishful thinking, though...

            My illness is chronic, i. e. irreversible, but I have still not given up. I have learned to eat and drink the way my stomach feels a little better. But then again there is stress in my life and in myself and stress is what is the main reason for my illness. And too much stress creates a relapse and I get sicker than other times. 

            You are quite right about travelling in the first or economy class! In the end they are all going to land on the airport and must leave the aeroplane. No matter how life has been, everyone has to leave the body one day.

          • Michael Beloved

            Michael Beloved Dara Winters, Assuming the question was directed to me: 

            Yes I do personally practice bhastrika/kapalabhati breath infusion and meditations which are related.

          • Pola M. Jarema
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