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Replies (7)
    • Cogito ergo sum is Latin for “I think there I am”. According to the French Philosopher Descartes in his Discourse on the Method, it appears that the seat of life is in head or mind.


      However, from inSelf Yoga angle, the bodily life is produced, maintained and regenerated by the life force which sits in the lower part of the trunk of the body. The life force is the energy entity that possesses the blueprint of the mind and the rest of the body. The core-self is only remotely involved.


      Therefore, these two positions remain at opposite poles of the debate, due to their methods of discovery. But if the core-self had developed sufficient interest into the functioning of the body such a coma would not translate into an actual loss of consciousness, because hopefully, it can monitor the situation of the kundalini in spite of the non-responsiveness of the intellect.


      Furthermore, the rational Cartesian Method being decommissioned implies death in some circles or at least a vegetative state of living. This position would not be able to begin to answer the question, as to the body continued maintenance in absence of intellectual and sensory functioning.  

      • This needs clarification, otherwise it is just myth:


        Therefore, these two positions remain at opposite poles of the debate, due to their methods of discovery. But if the core-self had developed sufficient interest into the functioning of the body such a coma would not translate into an actual loss of consciousness, because hopefully, it can monitor the situation of the kundalini in spite of the non-responsiveness of the intellect.

        • The kundalini has designed the body for its convenience which runs contrary to the interest of the self. Both physical and subtle bodies function according to the formatting of the life force.


          The core self through the intermediary of the sense of identity is able to access resulting influences of experiences based on the presentations of the intellect organ. These presentations are amassed from sensory and memory inputs. They all support the agenda of the life force which in turn uses attention energy from the core-self in order to pursue its activities.


          With the situation of a coma, the life force is still remaining in the body, and so the self has to also hang around in the same. But the condition of the body is such that there is no responsiveness to the sensory inputs. The subtle body is also implicated.


          The interest of the core-self is only manifest when it develops the capability to supervise the functioning of the adjuncts upon understanding the need to take accountability of the activities of the life-force, which it ultimately sponsors. When that is adequately accomplished, then the core self is objective to the realities that the life force and the material environment afford.


          A sufficiently energized and self-preserved core self is in a position to maintain objectivity even though the life force is engaged in maintaining the physical body on its own life support mechanisms. Therefore there wouldn’t be loss of consciousness based on self-awareness or objectivity.

          • this statement is contested unless evidence of it is given:


            A sufficiently energized and self-preserved core self is in a position to maintain objectivity even though the life force is engaged in maintaining the physical body on its own life support mechanisms. Therefore there wouldn’t be loss of consciousness based on self-awareness or objectivity.




            Because this says in effect that the limited core-self's objectivity is not reliant on anything but the core. It is not clear how this is so. Provide proofs, please.

            • If the core-self after an untold number of transmigrations through the species and in the human form come to evaluate that its position is indeed only in esteem but not in actual terms, it might be more likely to undertake practices and appropriate attitude that would allow it to develop objectivity.


              By getting insight into the functioning of the adjuncts, the core-self develops the idea of the necessity to cordon the life force’s energy expenditure, as it depletes the core-self in the form of attention energy.


              This leads to preservation of the core-self energy, and an energized core-self is in a better position to maintain objectivity. Such is the case in dream, an important undertaking on the path of inSelf Yoga.  


              In astral projection, while the life force is engaged in bodily maintenance, the core-self is in a position to act with objectivity provided that it has caused the subtle body to maintain a higher level grade of energy.


              Patanjali’s mandate of practicing sensual withdrawal, as well as techniques explained in Meditation Pictorial are designed to help the self in meditation, to not only understand the layout of the psyche but also recharge it and preserve its energy. 

              • The crucial issue in the final analysis is the real situation of the core-self especially what it essentially lacks and needs subsidy.


                If we begin with the premise that the core-self is God or is a potential absolute, then we are beginning with  a dangerous assumption. We need to begin with nothing and then gradually over time, as we discover reality, find out what the core-self has and what it lacks. It is actually what is with the core at all times and what is with it when it is subsidized by various environment and other types of support.


                The point in question is objectivity.


                Can we say for sure that it has objectivity as its inalienable right?


                Is that a fact?


                Or is it that such objectivity is there only when that is supported or partially provided?


                And if so what supports that and under what condition?

                • The living entity under the spell of material nature cannot at the same time have objectivity from the standpoint of the core-self. It has foregone its right to objectivity by dint of its presence within the creative energy.


                  Objectivity in the form of clarity of perception can be attained more readily in instances of advancement beyond the glare of the physical realm. That is only possible when the core-self embarks on the long and arduous journey of undertaking self-responsibility.


                  And, only upon some reforming of the life force can additional objectivity be gained and that may not be confused with absolute objectivity. Generally speaking, or outside of the scope of higher yoga a core-self as we know it may never gain objectivity, that scenario is ever elusive and cannot be accurately contemplated.


                  The normal consideration of objectivity is the one that implies the seat of life in the head, as the intellect organ. So in that sense when that form of objectivity is lost then the body should be considered dead. Being in limbo, as in a coma couldn’t be fully explained.

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