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Replies (7)
    • Therefore, the war was already strategized, fought and won long before only some Americans begin to realize, understand and hopefully accept what is going on.


      Obviously, in these times, it is not about nuclear warheads, but perhaps about the elected leaders and their past lives. 


      So, who really is Vladimir Putin, better yet who was he previously. Never mind Donald Trump, a merchant, rather I am referring to ancient Balkan feodal warlords.

      • His behavior is like that of the Tsars. His friend and fellow politician Dmitry Medvedev is likely the return version of Nicholas 11. Their idea from ancient times is to make one country from the Atlantic to the Pacific and to subjugate the various white ethnicity (Slavic races) into one nationality. Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev screwed up everything for a time, but now they are trying to reform the situation by using the oligarchy system. They have a tight hold on everything and it would take a hell of a revolution to shake them away, especially since they are partially capitalists.

        • Indeed czarevitch he is! Along with sufficient strategizing streak.


          How can average and even more American have a clue of what is or has been going on?


          Given the limited level of awareness of the socio-political make-up of the rest of the World, and lack of educational interest in it, this is all expectable. 

          • Quoting M-Beloved: "Their idea from ancient times is to make one country from the Atlantic to the Pacific and to subjugate the various white ethnicity (Slavic races) into one nationality."


            That precisely is anathema to politicians like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and so many others in democratic countries. I'd say that many have misinterpreted the address of Hillary to Vladimir. His annexation of any Slavic nation was as greatly important to him as it is infuriating to democratic norms (as defined for this purpose).


            So this is really very personal to Putin. He is exhilarated to have paraded the American democratic system as an oligarchy, taking it very lightly. The essential key to his victory was the Trump presidency. Merchants only know to follow that money, they simply do not possess the instincts of advanced geo-politics. Easy really does it.






              Quote: "His friend and fellow politician Dmitry Medvedev is likely the return version of Nicholas 11."


              A return of Nicholas II as a friend but also a tool to perhaps one of the most advanced political geniuses of our times (I say)…


              Yet, the Chinese Xi-jingping is outdoing even that! Are we standing on the edge of the turning point in the developed world's next political direction? 





              "Mr. Xi's strongman style has been compared to that of the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin. But even Mr. Putin, who has amassed considerable personal power, did not try to erase his country's constitutional limit on serving more than two consecutive terms as president as he approached that limit in 2008.


              Instead, he arranged for a close adviser with limited personal influence, Dmitri A. Medvedev, to serve as president for a single term while Mr. Putin held the post of prime minister. Mr. Putin then returned to the presidency in 2012, and is running this year for re-election to another term."




              • The trick is to have your influence prevail beyond your body. To be influential during your lifespan and then to lost influence right after that as soon as your body dies or as soon as you are displaced from the high office is not satisfying. These guys like Putin work by instinct to perpetuate their influence beyond their bodies. He is working for long ranged influence so that even after losing the body, his ideas will prevail and also people will consult him in the astral world hereafter on how to keep governing using his principles. One does not have to be aware of reincarnation to do this. If one has it as an instinct one will do it, all by the grace of one's kundalini and also by the grace of material nature, who has the materialistic entities as her favorites.
                • Indeed, seems like a life force allowed to go on steroids for sake of survival!

                  A hyper-developed sense of survival!

                  The man rules!

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