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Bhagvad Gita Series-2: Ramana Mahrishi's Instruction on Bhagavad Gita Verses

On 12th November, 2022

Houston, Texas

During morning meditation, after a breath infusion of 45 mins, during mediation (2:15-2:45 pm):

  • Naad was blaring in my right ear
  • several thoughts were coming and assailing too.  

Momentarily thought energy from others was coming, going, and also stopped briefly.

Buddhi behaves like Tsunami:

2 interesting things happened:

  1. In the first battle, thought energy was attacking from my forehead area (frontal head) and pulls my attention from the right ear to the naad.
    1. From core-self (atma), when I looked at these thought energy packets precisely with shape and form, they immediately seized their operations out of embarrassment for sucking the Atma's energy without Atma's permission for their operations & entertainment. They felt embarrassed. First battle was won, yay!  2-3 thought energy packets seized momentarily!
  2. Second Battle: I did not even let my guard down, the thought energy with Buddhi (Intellect orb) now acted as if a lost warrior, put his head down and went back, before I even start enjoying the peace of silence, in 10-20 seconds, it came back attacked in a subtle way that I lost objectivity and was fully engaged in the entertainment for next few minutes.
    1. Reminds me of how a Tsunami comes,
      1. On the beach on a fine day, suddenly the sea recedes back into the ocean a few 100 meters, and the laity thinks "oh now, I can walk all the way to the other side of sea or drive a car into sea bed now, I can look for long lost treasures in the sunken ship".
      2. The laity goes on fascinating in a celebration mood thinking the sea was chased away to the ocean!
      3. Only after a few minutes, the laity knows why the sea was pulled back a few 100 meters! Only to come back and strike the shore with several meters high super waves called Tsunamis!
      4. Series of waves and it floors everything and everybody on its way!
      5. The same laity who was planning on seabed adventures a few minutes ago is already drowned and lost of objectivity in relation to his plans and identity and twisted and thrown in a myriad of Tsunami waves into the shore.
  3. Budhhi and its adjuncts with thought energy act like Tsunami as how the sea recedes and comes back as monster waves. Buddhi makes Core-self think it has won just to come back to swallow it again. Buddhi also smiles and smirks at core-self how childishly and ambitiously, the core-self is celebrating the tiny petite victory before it flounders the core-self again. Buddhi takes pleasure in it, core-self is left powerless in the eddies and waves of the powerful tsunami waves 



Taken from https://srilankantsunami.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/hello-world/

Past exchanges from Ramana Maharishi:

I have been deeply investigating my psyche and I am bleeding with defeats at the hands of psyche adjuncts like buddhi, memory, and association energy.

In the last week to 10 days, Ramana again has been giving some grace energy, and instruction to persevere the onslaught of the psyche.

I have had more frequent instructions and exchanges with Ramana in the last 1-2 years, mostly the conversation will be like this:

  1. "Sit with me, don't go, don't go!" (recommending longer meditation)
    1. Because the thought energies are so powerful and as a beginner, I will run away after some time (this is after 60-70 minutes of mediation, Ramana wants me to stay even longer, I am not strong yet and do not meet his expectations)
  2. "Sit longer, wait, wait! I will show you something on memory"
    1. Again I will run away after 60 minutes, the subtle body frequency comes down and it gets difficult to sit any longer for meditation. Obligation and other thought energy weight overtake. He has been patient with my shortcomings for some time now.
  3. During several social turmoils and very tense situations with my family, Ramana would send me a message sensing my burning emotions, saying "Don't respond, Don't Respond! Be calm, just observe them"
    1. Sometimes, I listened and controlled but several times, I will burst into anger and speak some crap. I have let him down several times! The psyche is immature! I am ashamed and regret it deeply!
  4. One time, he showed me how to make ahankar (sense of identity) focus on Atma itself 


Ramana Maharishi's instruction on Bhagvad Gita verses:

Today, he gave 2 instructions:

In the past few days, I was thinking of this particular verse in Bhagavad Gita (7.4), an excerpt taken from Yogi Madhvacharya's book on Bhagavad Gita

bhūmirāpo'nalo vāyuḥ khaṁ mano buddhireva ca ahaṁkāra itīyaṁ me bhinnā prakṛtiraṣṭadhā (7.4)

bhūmir = bhūmiḥ̣— solid substance; āpo = āpaḥ —liquid substance; 'nalo = analaḥ — flames; vāyuḥ — gas; kham — space; mano = manaḥ — mindal energy; buddhir = buddhiḥ — intelligence; eva — indeed; ca — and; ahaṁkārạ— initiative; itīyam =iti — thus + iyam — this; me — My; bhinnā — apportioned; prakṛtir = prakṛtiḥ — mundaneenergy; aṣṭadhā — eight—sectioned

Solid substance, liquid substance, flame, gas, space, mindal energy, intelligence, and initiative are My apportioned, eight—sectioned mundane energy. (7.4)


Ramana's instructed & inspired this meaning in my psyche:

Ramana's message:

Krishna claims ownership of the 8 factors, of which 5 are external to the psyche: 

  1. Solid substance (bhūmiḥ̣)
  2. liquid substance (āpaḥ)
  3. flame (analaḥ)
  4. gas (vāyuḥ)
  5. space (kham)

and 3 are internal to the psyche:

  1. mindal energy (manaḥ)
  2. intelligence (buddhiḥ)
  3. initiative (ahaṁkārạ)
  • Focus on the internals, why focus on other things?
  • Who are you? Who are you? 
  • Are you the owner of these things? Krishna owns them
  • Ultimately, who is the owner? Krishna says he is the owner.
  • So, why is the Atma trying to own it? and crying over lack of control, it is due to ignorance
  • Nan Yaar? Naan Yaar? (From Tamil to English, Who is the true self")

I was forced to have a 30-minute online meeting with an ambitious guy from my office who was lamenting about paying $220k for his MBA in a big university and expressed his frustrations mentally about getting his Return on Investment, this energy screwed my mediation. He aspires to be a CEO, his thoughts are mirrored and voiced inside my head as my own energy and then I tracked the energy to him.

Ramana saw this thought energy and said:

  • "Reject it!, Reject it"
  • Who are you? That is not you? Reject it! (Ramana meant: CEO is not the "true you"! Reject it)
  • Reject the false identification, reject it!

Slowly, the pressure and grip of these alien thoughts on the core-self Atma ceased.

Ramana gave a special mention to ahankara (sense of identity).

Sense of identity has a natural tendency to identify with false identities like father, son, mother, daughter, CEO, employee, or boss. That is the culprit. That's why it is named as "sense of identity", chasing after identities and gluing to them! (I had this question hidden in mind, why Madhva gave an unfamiliar name "sense of identity", Ramana clarifies it)

Reform the sense of identity, and neutralize it by asking "Naan yar?" ("Who is the True Self")

Remind the sense of identity (ahankar), what is the real identity?

Ask the sense of identity (ahankar), who is the real identity?

It presents several identities to Atma, one after another, reject them all and eventually, it will know its true master and presents the self with self. 

Meaning of "Naan Yaar?"

This was the original saying of Ramana in Tamil "Nann yaar?". Naan means "I", Yaar means "Who". Meaning: "I, Who" or "Who am I?". Though looks simpler, it is very deep! 

In recent times, this has been ridiculed, downsized, and made fun of by some pseudo-spiritual teachers, I heard this from a so-called guru saying "Will you go to the airport say "Who am I?", they will kick you!" and the huge crowd laughs. That shows the magnitude of ignorance or ridicule imposed upon it!

There is a deeper and very subtle meaning to it.

Ramana subtly showed the meaning of "Naan Yaar?" which means "Who is the true self?"

By the grace energy of Ramana, "Naar Yaar?" or "Who is the true self?" I was able to practice it. It is a head-on approach to several identities superimposed upon the self (Atma) by a sense of Identity's attraction to the mundane energy forces. It weakens and attacks several of psyche interests, desires, and needs for mundane relationships.

Without his grace energy or his astral initiation on this, I doubt one could even take his method. It is not a mantra but energy infused in it that questions existential need and attraction for mundane energy and things. 

I could not practice it before and went no where without his grace and energy, taking head-on the psyche is not an easy task and progress is questionable without Ramana's grace!


Another verse of Gita:

When a breeze of cold air came thru the small opening of the window, it grazed over my bare body. The sudden shiver and cold experience made Kundalini compulsively push the body to move around and closed the window. I resisted getting up from meditation.

Ramana pulled this verse from Bhagavad Gita (6.7) in my psyche!

An excerpt is taken from Yogi Madhvacharya's book on Bhagavad Gita


jitātmanaḥ praśāntasya paramātmā samāhitaḥ śītoṣṇasukhaduḥkheṣu tathā mānāvamānayoḥ (6.7)

jitātmanaḥ — of the self—controlled person; praśāntasya — of the person who is peaceful; paramātmā — the directive part of the self; samāhitaḥ — composed; śītoṣṇasukhaduḥkheṣu = śīta — cold + uṣṇa — heat + sukha — pleasure + duḥkheṣu — in pain; tathā — also; mānāvamānayoḥ = māna — honor + avamānayoḥ — in dishonor

The directive part of a self—controlled, peaceful person remains composed in the cold, heat, pleasure, pain, and also in honor and dishonor. (6.7)

Ramana spoke "In Gita, Krishna says that one has to be equipoise in cold and heat, what he meant is not the physical side. He meant on the psychic side"

(I actually had this hidden in my mind, thinking that body should be so non-reactive and immune to cold and hot, by a kaya siddhi method, maybe that's what Krishna is alluding to here. Ramana addressed it, this mix-up comes from growing up in Indian culture)

Due to unfavorable cold or heat, the psyche gets annoyed and starts emitting discomfort energy and opens unfavorable tendencies, tempers and tantrums hidden or dormant, keep your psyche the same in both cold, heat and in all externals"

Ramana noted another thought in the back of my mind which was an insult energy where they forced me to give an apology to a colleague for a silly minor mix-up, the resentment was there. 

Ramana noted that thought energy and said, even in insults, be equipoised, don't let psyche ooze such discomfort energy. Naan Yaar? Who is the true self? (pointing the attachment to the title or honor or self or comparative value, which led to resentment to insults by colleagues)






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