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Bhagavad Gita Series : Master Database

Link to Master Database of all my writings

This is an attempt to academically breakdown the extroardinay scripture Bhagvad Gita in analytical patterns for easy digestion and application of Krishna's ideals for evolution of mankind!

All the content are analytically sorted from the great translation of Bhagavad Gita in its own place and time inspired by Sri Sri Krishna Balarama deites to Yogi Madhvacharya. All credits go to him for his momentous effort in publishing such a book decades ago!

The following contents are hyperlinked!

  1. Bhagavad Gita Series - 1 : Krishna vs Arjuna conversation
  2. Bhagavad Gita Series - 2 : Class of human beings (Varnas) based on natural tendencies
  3. Bhagavad Gita Series - 3 : 3 Working Styles/ Stages
  4. Bhagavad Gita Series - 4 : 3 Types of Souls (Purușa) [BG: 15.16-19]
  5. Bhagavad Gita Series - 5 : 3 Types of Food (Āhārāḥ) [BG: 17.4-8]
  6. Bhagavad Gita Series - 6 : 3 Types of Worship (Yajante) [BG: 17.4]
  7. Bhagavad Gita Series - 7 : 3 Types of Performer (kartā) [BG: 18.26-28]
  8. Bhagavad Gita Series - 8 : 3 Types of Action (karma) [BG: 18.23-25]
  9. Bhagavad Gita Series - 9 : 3 Aspects that compels Action & 3 Parts of an Action (BG: 18.18)
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