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Bhagavad Gita Series - 4 : 3 Types of Souls (Purușa)

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This chart and content is based on Yogi Madhvacharya's Bhagvad Gita Commentary in its own place and time.

How Arjuna temporarily moved from Kșara Purușa to Akșara Purușa and fell back afterwards?

Type of soul is fixed and it is unchangeable.

Only time an inferior type soul (Kșara Purușa) can mimic the median soul (Akșara Purușa) characterisitcs is by association with median or supreme type of souls.

Arjuna (Kșara Purușa - Affected entity) was afflicted with emotional turmoils of material energy, after the discourse of Bhagvad Gita from Lord Krishna (Uttamaḥ Purușa/ Purshottama - Supreme Soul) and in association of Lord Krishna's Energy, Arjuna temporarily mimicked the characterisitcs of Akșara Purușa - Unaffected entity, emotionally resistant from material energy but he quickly fell off from the high state after the battle and again got entangled with emotional nature which can be seen in Anu Gita in detail where Krishna berates Arjuna for forgetting Bhagvad Gita discourse and falling to lower states of material energy!


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