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Beginnings-6: Impact of College days

2009-2013, Trichy, India


The advent of Personal Computers:

Till 2009, all my family had was a 1990s Compaq Desktop and a modern PC in 2005. The only handheld device which was available and also affordable to us was Nokia 1100. I used this phone mostly till smart phones started spreading in Indian markets in 2011.




Then when I had my first personal laptop in 2009, the entire world and exposure were completely changed, the world got bigger in that 20-inch laptop. During my college days in India, my seniors and we all used to have a bunch of stuff like ebooks, media, movies, porn and pirated software on the hostel or college intranet (in the college server, and also on personal hard disks).

We used to share the personal hard disks and download the stuff or connect the laptops to college servers and get stuff from other laptops. Usually, as part of ragging or hazing culture, the seniors take pleasure in inducing the junior or freshmen into funny silly stuff and also into vulgar habits like drinking alcohol, drugs, etc to enter their wolf pack. This is a common scenario across all countries. 

I was immune to drugs and alcohol, the brahmin lady teacher who tutored me weekly for over 10 years (age 7 to 17) as part of the Sathya Sai Baba Movement gave certain training and put a certain code into my psyche to easily resist drugs and alcohol temptation but never did she speak about handling sex energy as it is a taboo topic in India.

When my friends introduced me the full-blown porn movies in Gbs of hard disk, I had no answer on how to tackle that energy. I wish I had some training or psychic code on how to tackle it or be prepared for it. I floundered into it. Others floundered into alcohol and drugs, and I floundered here!

Once while navigating thru an ocean of porn films on the hard disk and downloading them, I came across one book which accidentally got downloaded into the laptop, it was a book on Yoga by Shivananda. It is an old book written with a bunch of pictures and shows several asanas and mudras.

Porn was a natural habit that was simulated in my environment during my college days, after getting sober from watching porn, I used to read this yoga book and try those asanas, and methods. Tried all asanas in that book to stop this habit and control sex stimulation, but nothing worked. 

Also during my teenage years 17-19, tried several asanas and some mudras where the tongue is folded in some shape like U and other shapes around the teeth. The book under the benefits session of that mudra mentioned the practitioner will attain the beauty and vigor of Indra, I am sad to announce that never happened even after 2-3 years of practice. Indeed, a moment of realization! This is not a complaint but revealing that my attempts to use yoga to increase my physical beauty at the end of my teenage life never succeeded, sad indeed! 

Some background of the institution:

The founder started the institution (the college I went to) back in 1960 (India got independence from the British in 1947), he came back from Canada and he was asked by the then minister of state to start an engineering institution in a no-man's land.

Well, that guy was a visionary and carried certain psychic power and energy which he left behind. The institution shot to fame in the 1980s and several presidents of India were impressed by his achievements and how he turned a 700 acres land of rocks and hot red soil into the famed institute today. Ministers and Big-wigs were wondering how he did this turn-around because they hardly gave any funds to him to build any institute on that no man's land and with just 3 odd buildings how did he turn things around that every rich kid in that country wanted to get there in the 1970-80s. 

He was a very unique leader and founder, I have read his several interviews and also direct reports from some alumni and parents who moved closely with him.

Some hidden secrets of the leader were, he took several politicians and bureaucrat's sons into the college back from the 1960s to 1980s and made the institution a group of rich kids asylum and gave them the free pass to do whatever they want. With the rich and powerful kids coming there, the funds and government approval for more stuff obviously followed them and he smartly built the institute with it. He famously said once that "this institute was not built in the laps of Queen Elizabeth but in hot rocks and dry red sand of Trichy, so it is not fair to compare us with those elites" (alluding to other federal Insitutes that got big funds from British and Germans).

He also took in some percentage of hard-working village/ urban students with extraordinary merit to offset the imbalance, created by the rich kinds. These 2 extremes created a unique mixture of energy that still pervades that institute.  

Obviously, the rich kids went downhill with alcohol and drugs, and the founder/ principal reprimanded professors to let kids do what they want and learn from their own mistakes, not to do any moral policing. The founder focused only on the environment which will support their adventures and experiments and he trusted wholeheartedly that the kids will come out from this muddle in bright colors.

On one side, some students built their own speakers, electronics, and sound systems back in the 70s and others were drinking under the trees and the professors were begging the drunkards to just appear for the exams when all were scratching their heads on his crazy approach, the founder was confident in his independent ways. The output was something very unique and the institute still stands tall on its achievements and alumni.   

This was revolutionary in his time especially in a country as conservative as India. The energy he left behind in the institute is still strong and the students somehow find their way to succeed in their profession or make a decent living but with some psychic cost definitely. Several of them went out with alcohol and drug habits (including brahmin bodied kids)

College Environment:

There was no electricity, no water, and worst food, and porn was the only shelter for all boys in our hostels (also some girls used to view it) as it gave satisfaction and eased the burns of lack of basic amenities and other age-related frustrations. The environment was stimulating and assisting those bad habits as we are far away from our parent's control in an isolated place.

It was a federal college, and we were in no man's land, so isolated, even police don't come there, we were almost scott free. It is hard to get into those colleges, as the entrance exams are so damn hard and competitive. When I was 16, a senior told me that this particular college is one such place where he guaranteed complete independence from every elder or parent's interference but also warned as the breeding bed of several bad habits. The energy was unique mixture!

Well, such an environment is rarest of rarest, he said if I don't work hard I may end up in colleges which could be like hell with full of moral policing by idiots in the guise of professors (pseudo) or staff who insist on dress code, hair styles, opposite genders shall not talk, not raising difficult questions to faculty, school environment in college, etc. This alarmed me, but that was the reality. These words were enough to motivate me to get into the institute that guaranteed full independence for the next 4 years. 

One way or another either in school or college or office or friend's influence, the bad/ vulgar habit is going to penetrate the psyche, and the world is filled with such dark psychic energy today anyway. For me, it happened in college. 

Single or dual or triple degree:

As seniors joke around usually whoever graduates from our institute comes out with a dual degree,

  1. one is whatever he specializes in like computer, electronic, or mechanical, etc
  2. the second one is the Masters in Survival Skills

The conditions are always bad, the environment does not sponsor, and the karma of the institution and the people who run it make it even worse. Eg: Unhygienic food, no water, no electricity, no proper functioning toilets, etc. This is the story of most Govt. operating educational institutes in India, some exceptions are there, and also I heard private players keep it clean but with moral policing on their campus.

I would say we get a triple degree, the third degree is specialization in either one bad habit too, either in mixing or making different types of cocktails/ mocktails, joints, flavors of drugs, hookahs, gaming, porn, etc.

Nevertheless, the complete independence I experienced during my college days was worth it, I was able to do unimaginable crazy things during that period and the quality of loneliness was unimaginable in a country like India.  

Some College day Pictures:

Some pictures during my time in my college, this was the day to day life. We were shocked initially but got used to these things eventually and it looks nostalgic when I look back at these pictures.

I did not take some pictures when frogs were jumping out of the kitchen or toads/ insects floating in the curry. haha!


Visitors barged into our rooms and corridors:



A sneaky visitor to our bathrooms and toilets: (someone came to pee with us)



One of my hostel rooms: (a decent picture)


My friend's hostel room: (hang out spot)


Replies (8)
    • Aniroodh Sivaraman

      What do you mean by natural in the following:

      Porn was a natural habit that was simulated in my environment during my college days, after getting sober from watching porn,

      • I meant "natural" in the context of that environment where the burns of rough life with a lack of good food and bad living conditions like smelly toilets, no electricity, and no water, the natural shelter we all took was the pleasure in endorphins released into the brain.

        Many of us could not get proper sleep due to these conditions, and more common was to watch porn and release endorphins and get tired and get to sleep quickly. There were some expcetions, some of them resisted all these bad habits, but most of us statistically got into one thing or the another.

        "Natural" was used in the sense of a higher statistical probability of people taking shelter into that habit to escape from the heat of life.

        A better word might be "naturalized habit".

      • Aniroodh Sivaraman 

        It is still not clear. For instance, check these statements and endorse the one(s) which is your meaning.

        Porn was a natural habit

        Watching porn was a natural habit

        The availability of porn was natural

        The response to porn in the manner of ........... was a natural habit

        • These 2 statements are the best: (first one led to the another)

          • The availability of porn was natural 
          • The response to porn in the manner of ........... was a natural habit (this is more precise)

          Thanks for helping me to elucidate my thoughts even more clearer. 

        • Aniroodh Sivaraman ,

          If this below is true, then there are questions for further clarification.

          • The availability of porn was natural 

          It is only recent, not even 100 years ago of human life that porn visual media became available. For that matter within my life time of 70+ years, it was not available until recently. I do not recall it being available in the early 1070s except as stag films and then as movies in only certain theatres in red light districts.

          I was in Trinidad in the late 1960s and once saw some nudity in a Bridget Bardo movie and that was considered to be a rare display of sexuality. The availability of porn in a person's home through internet media is a recent event. How is that natural?

          Just one hundred or two hundred years ago, someone may endure an entire life time and not see adult genitals even people who were sexually involved may rare see the genitals of a partner.

          It seems to me that the availability of porn is unnatural. It is forced down people's throat today but it was not available previously. Humanity spent perhaps millions of years, or say thousands, and did not have that as something nature. What was natural was not to see genitals in a sexual way. Consider too that even aboriginees today, who are nude in the forest, do not regard exposed genitals as sexually inviting necessarily and they do not make it a habit to be sexually engaged as modern people do.

          What about the higher mammals?

          Are they becoming sexually aroused continuously because they have no clothing to cover their nudity?

          I feel that the inSelf yogis need to study the situation deeply and use the conclusions to help overcome the difficulty of this availability.

          It may be that the 

          • The availability of porn is unnatural 

          but once it is available, the compulsion to view it is natural because the human psyche is not designed with an effective resistance to it. The genetic brake or clutch which the animals are endowed with, where they are not generally aroused by nudity of their own kind, seems to be lacking in humans. That may be the issue.

          • Agreed!

            This is true

            It may be that the 

            • The availability of porn is unnatural 

            but once it is available, the compulsion to view it is natural because the human psyche is not designed with effective resistance to it. The genetic brake or clutch which the animals are endowed with, where they are not generally aroused by the nudity of their own kind, seems to be lacking in humans. That may be the issue.

            Genetic brake is lacking.

            Also seeing naked genitals is not the only porn. There are 2 types of porn, soft porn and hard porn.

            Soft porn is nothing naked, just superficial. Hard porn is where naked reproductive organs are displayed in an animal fashion. 

            These days, this soft porn is spread everywhere, in movies, youtube and ads. With cumulative exposure to soft porn intentionally or unintentionally, one will be curious or gravitate to see hard porn. If addicted to hard porn, soft porn can be a gear down but eventually, that will add pressure to gear up to hard porn. So, it is an endless loop. 

            Internet, globalization, and video technology have opened the doors to the

            1. the variety of available
              1. Serbian man would have never seen an Indian-bodied person in his vicinity and vice versa
              2. Now, all the doors are opened and who knows which variety or flavor of the physical body one would be attracted
              3. The wonders of the sexual world are multiplying and overwhelming. There will never a saturation in this domain. 
              4. Back in the day, for an adult movie, the actresses would be limited or restricted to one region, now they can import or even do software tricks like a deep fake to morph faces to delight the audiences
            2. Also, in every movie, tittok, youtube, vlog, or ad, sexual energy has gradually increased to exponential levels now. 
              1. In youtube, I was watching a 1980s toothpaste ad, it had no sexuality and there was no need for it.
              2. Since the 2000s, voluptuous actresses with glamorous clothes and selling toothpaste showing their teeth.
              3. They are not only pushing the "Red Colored" toothpaste product into psychic senses of the people but also borrowing the additional sexual energy of the actor and shoved into the audience's psyche. Now, some percentage of the population is just going to buy the product due to the pressure of that sexual energy flavor.
              4. Now, if I have watched 4-5 such ads with such underlying sexual energy between a movie, it adds up eventually to hard porn.
            3. The human body is also changing both biologically and psychically, generation after generation
              1. External sexual pressures and frustration are increasing generation after generation and the body's internal psychic and biological resistance is also weakening
              2. If similar nearby kundalini procures certain sexual tastes and enjoys them, the other kundalinis psychically sense them and crave the same, this creates a mass craving for certain sexual favors, which we call a viral sensation and the market for such energy shoots up and they proliferate until next sensation comes!

            These challenges and the velocity of change were not there in the 1970s-80s, from the 90s it has increased. So, it may be fair to say the availability of soft porn is increasing and hard porn is just looking behind the doors watching for its turn.

            Once 3D technology comes, I will run away and hide. I feel bad for the coming generations because the first reference and flavor the next generation of teenagers gonna taste is going to be the strongest and etched hard in their psyche. They may not even come to have sexual relationships with actual humans when they feel it is not as addictive or potent as they see in digital media and choose to just live with the gadgets, which is already happening now. 

            • Why feel bad for those who are behind you when the fact is that it is unlikely that you will be liberated, and hence you will be the next generation of humans after those descendants of yourself and others. You will have to face a worse fate even. My parents may have regretted my fate; feeling that I was subjected to perverse influences way beyond what they had to face, but then when the same parents will get the next body as my grandchildren, they will face an even worse fate.

              May as well keep your sympathy for your future fate!

              You have none to spare, really!

            • haha, true! 

              My objectivity tripped and took a higher stance by thinking the my current situation is better than the impending future generation but the truth is I might be at the future-future situation and it the receiving end of hot iron. True!

              I heard about the law of conservation of Self-Critical Energy for yogic advancements!

              Learned the another today: Law of Conservation of Sympathy!

              True, indeed!

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