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Bacterial Living Forms


Aside from the fact that people lie and will defend their position so long as there is a motivational justification for it, until the truth cannot be denied and over time; the documentary offers keen insight into bacterial life forms:




Interestingly towards the very end the commentator uses the term “form” referring the bacteria. From following the in-depth documentary it becomes relevant that indeed the bacterial entity is actually one form, a cohesive and intelligible form with an prime objective.


But because it is represented in a totally different configuration than humans and other creatures it is nearly impossible to view it as such. An ant or bee colony functions to a degree in a similar way, where the entire system operates almost as one individual in order to see to the survival of their species.


This bacteria like others, as well as viruses in order to survive has achieved real time coordinated and successful adjustments. That is clearly happening as though the trillions of individual bacteria are a single entity with a clear agenda for survival, even though they are not in a position to communicate that we can detect from their distinct human hosts. It also is apparent that the entity is only looking to survive based on its aspect of life form as it looks for opportunity as allowed by the environment. The pain, suffering and death of the human host seems to be unintended and incidental, although we are forced to take it personally. 


This particular style of intelligent life form is also observable in some species of plants and mushrooms or fungi. They exist as a collective intelligence or organism, and not individualized and individualistic members of their society or organization. They are very efficient in adapting to new methods of treatment and eradication by changing their mode of contamination or transportation, as in the documentary or by mutation as in the case of the AIDS virus. More obvious intelligible beings like humans who are considered more advanced are actually more adaptable in their schemes of survival only, not necessarily more efficient or capable.


These life forms predate other living organisms by a long shot, they are still unicellular and can live even in acid hot springs and nuclear waste! Because they also have form, they are not actually eradicated by invention of treatments and or prevention, rather I’d say that they go in dormancy or simply become permanent residents in an astral dimension (just like the dinosaurs), awaiting for an opportunity to reintegrate gross existence again, not unlike human forms are currently afforded.







Replies (3)
    • Further illustrations of the segment below: 


      "This bacteria like others, as well as viruses in order to survive has achieved real time coordinated and successful adjustments. That is clearly happening as though the trillions of individual bacteria are a single entity with a clear agenda for survival, even though they are not in a position to communicate that we can detect from their distinct human hosts."


      Crude and simplistic modes of communication or transmission of information using so accepted developed physical forms's sensory detection such as ears to sound or eyes to letters are rudimentary. Real and more consequential transfer is undetected and only recently starting to dawn on scientific conclusions:


      From two days ago: New epigenetic study: Guinea pig fathers pass on adaptive responses to environmental changes

      From five years ago: Fearful Memories Passed Down to Mouse Descendants

      • In terms of inSelf Yoga, this also means that these hand-me-down responses are part of the memory. Due to rampant arrogance we do not rate or value instinct as memory. As humans we segregate ourselves because we delve into recall. Actually most of the so called recall is based on language transmission, aurally or literally. It is not based on actual brain recall. Nature invests mostly in instinctive tendency as a form of memory. In deep meditation one can come to admit this. When developed it causes intense humility. From another angle, from that of the subtle body, the new guinea pigs may also be carrying the memory in the form of instinct from the previous life when those animals were the forebears of their current parents. It may be that it is a combination of the new one's memory plus that of their parents, as the old tendencies from the past life is plough into the new format which was inherited from the new parents. This is calculus, not arithmetic.
        • Great clarification:

          "From another angle, from that of the subtle body, the new guinea pigs may also be carrying the memory in the form of instinct from the previous life when those animals were the forebears of their current parents. It may be that it is a combination of the new one's memory plus that of their parents, as the old tendencies from the past life is plough into the new format which was inherited from the new parents. This is calculus, not arithmetic."


          Another astonishing example in context, a virus: Chicken Pox to Shingles

          Most virologues don't consider their subjects as living organisms. They aren't even classifiable as unicellular nor multicellular.

          They just represent some elements of pre-life "forms" that can't even reproduce without a host! Click -> Virus


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