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Autocracy 2.0

China’s Surveillance State: Why You Should Be Worried 

There are I understand subtle realms where intentions and actions become self evident to others around you. Is this how that feel? No privacy or secrets!




Replies (3)
    • Intentions and sly actions are self evident any and everywhere but we are self-conceited so we tell ourselves that only what we focus on, which is physical existence, has value.

      The technology may provide definition, meaning certification. Otherwise our natural intuition provides that as well, and not just hereafter but now.

      • There was an incidence which happened some fifty years ago. It was between a young lady and myself. To our view at the time, no one else was aware of it. It was simply an atttraction between us. As time would have it, it was not developed into anything sexual.

        However a few years ago, the mother of the young lady approached to informed me that there was an exchange with her daugther way back them.

        How did she know? The incidence as private.

        That elderly woman is deceased but she described the exchange with her daugther in such detail, that it was scary.


        What is that?

        It has no meaning.

        A person is better off being modest and forget about privacy because it does not exist anywhere.

        • So true!And now, nilly willy all feel obligated to be on social media. Secrecy or privacy are in vainIndeed, discretion and modesty will be more valuable. 

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