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Atmayoga / coreSelf Focus

Atmayoga / coreSelf Focus

Atmayoga is coreSelf discovery and focus. It is a vast undertaking, which is riddled with patience, subtlety and mystery. It is when in the course of inSelf Yoga™ one leaves aside the quest to partition and understand the adjuncts which doggedly adhere to the core of the psyche.

Initially a yogi becomes obsessed with curbing the senses. Taking hints from books like Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras, discussing the matter with an advanced ascetic, the yogi gets hints that the psyche is not a person but is rather a complexity of a core power, adjuncts in an enclosed complexity which passes as a person, a purusha.

The yogi then patiently withdraws the attention which courses from the psyche. This is the preliminary pratyahar sensual energy practice. When after mastering that practice, the yogi gets the psyche to cease its cravings for external objects, he/she begins to realize that within the psyche there is a several factors. Sorting these, partitioning and isolate them, so that their interaction ceases during meditation, becomes the objective of the yogi.

The yogi must discover what the self is, what the adjuncts which are fused to the self are, and how each is related to the other. He/She must know which adjunct is unconcerned about the core and which cooperates with another adjunct or the core.

In that practice, the yogi/yogini will eventually bring the adjuncts under the control so that they cease their operations during the meditation session. This allows from the segregation of the core from the other aspects of the psyche.

Naad is extremely helpful in this practice. Pranayama breath infusion accelerates this practice. A yogi will hear naad. While doing so, he/she may imbibe the light of the self, whereby a small portion of the indivisible self see the light of the self. This happens when the interest of the self, its one and only deliberate expression, converts into a tiny eye which, in the light of the self, sees a portion of the light of the self.

When this happens, the yogi should hold the perception by mildly maintaining a grasp on hearing naad resonance and levying all other attention to perceiving the light of the self. This is a very subtle experience. This is atmajyoti, satisfaction in completion.

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