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Astral Yogis

I was assigned to supervise some astral yogis whose subtle bodies were immobilized due to entering a jada samadhi stupor trance state. Three of these ascetics were recalled from the stupor trance easily by breath infusing into their dense astral bodies for a period of two weeks comprising of fourteen sessions of breath infusion.

First, they were awakened from the stupor states. They were shown how to do the breath infusion. I also infused into their subtle bodies directly during the sessions. After this their objectivity of consciousness resumed. Two of the three left and went elsewhere. One remained at the astral place where they practiced.

He wanted to help to awaken and assist some others whose subtle forms were almost indistinct where one could not tell the definitions of their subtle bodies. These were buried in a dark brown astral energy in which their astral forms were immobilized.

These yogis practiced many years ago. One for instance left his last body in the 1820’s in India and was not heard of or seen since then even on the astral side of existence. His existence was suspended because his subtle body went into a jada samadhi stupor state, where it comprised sluggish astral energy

At the place where they stayed, it was as if a human was buried in the earth and every cell of his body was replaced with dirt, so that one could hardly tell where that body began in the earth and where the earth was in reference to his body.

The project is to revive these yogis, teach them bhastrika pranayama and then release them from the stupor condition. Each will have to make a decision as to what he may do next, as to if he should take rebirth in a physical body or if he should continue the austerities. The major part of the decision concerns which location to be transferred to.

While working on this project, one morning, on September 13, 2021, Paramhansa Yogananda came. He said he needed help with using the famous agnisara process which I learned from Swami Rama, who established the Himalayan Institute while he used his last body. Paramhamsa said this.

“It is time for me to move on. The mission of SRF is completed. And in fact, some others can continue that tradition. I need to get myself in order. Explain the agnisara process for using bhastrika pranayama. We did everything we could and still I could not get rid of this distended abdomen. I heard that the swami knows the method in detail.”

I replied, “What is to be said about it. I was told of it by Swami Rama as you heard. Why not consult him?”

Yogananda replied, “Yes, but he cannot be found. We searched. He is not available. There is information like in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. And besides some ascetics who mastered it and who are Nath yogis are available on the astral side in India. However, these are people who did it from boyhood. In my case, I did not do it then. My condition needs some special treatment. The issue is that I do not desire to take another embryo to achieve a new boy body which will not have a distended abdomen. There is also the risk that if I do so, that body will assume the distended abdomen after adolescence just as it did in the recent physical body I used.”

After he said, a lady approached. This person was responsible for his meals on the astral side. She said I should describe my diet, giving details about everything I put into my mouth.

I told her this. “Swamiji sent you to get that information but all the same you have to listen to what I say because otherwise a listing of what I eat or do not eat, will not solve the problem.”

“What you need to know is not what I eat but when I eat.”

Here is my advice.

“His main meal should be his first meal. Then his main snack should be his second meal. There can be a desert which is a light meal. That should be the last meal for the day, the third meal. Besides that, he should do the bhastrika as he observes me doing it twice per day. It is not what he ate but when he ate it.

“The breath infusion will itself reform what is eaten. It will allow that drastic change in making the breakfast the first and main meal for the day. You can however increase the leafy vegetables so that is at least one third of the bulk of that main meal which is the first meal of the day. He should be served that meal soon after his morning asana/pranayama/samyama process.”

After I explained this, the lady left. She disappeared then and there. It seemed that her subtle body went back to the place where she resides in the astral but it went a great distance. Then Yogananda appeared. He smiled. He said this.

“Tell me what Swami Rama said about the agnisara process. There is some part of it which I am not familiar with and which other yogis who I spoke to do not explain. Swamiji is not available. He made himself inaccessible. I will have to take you as my guru for those techniques. I hope you do not mind the inconvenience. Being that I served as a teacher for a long time, I may not be an ideal student. Humility is essential as you know but when you are a lineage authority, humility runs away from you and it is difficult to submit to someone as a student.”

“However, go on, tell me about it. What did Swami explain?”


I responded with this.

“It is not a secret nor a process which is inaccessible. Just as one forces meals into the stomach, even when it is already filled with food, so one should force compacted air into the abdomen areas even when one feels that the subtle body is filled with the infused air while doing either kapalabhati or bhastrika pranayama.

“When you do bhastrika the first achievement in each session is to fill the subtle body with fresh prana which means filling the cells in the physical body with fresh air. For those who are deceased, there is no physical consideration. It is only to fill the subtle body in every part of it with fresh prana subtle air.

“As soon as one feels that each part is saturated in that way, switch to focus on the abdomen itself, so that the energy is compressed into the abdomen region. Do this repeatedly until it seems that the zone can take no more energy. At this stage do one more infusion session of a number of breath but as soon as one stops on the last breath, do so on an inhale and mentally compress in on the abdomen as if to force the infused energy into the center of the dense area which is the abdomen. One will notice that as one compresses on it, the lump of energy which is the extended region, gets smaller. As soon as it is compressed inward the most, again do the breath infusion. Then again compress inwards.

“After this is done for a time some days or weeks or even months, it will happen that as one compresses inward, the lump of compressed energy implodes and then explodes or it may explode first and then implode. Do not allow it to spatter outside the subtle body. The explosion should be within the subtle body only.

“Repeatedly do this until there seems to be nothing left as if the abdomen area was obliterated. After this sit to meditate doing samyama. Then again at the next session repeat this. That is what the Swami taught. That is the agnisara practice for the subtle body.”

Paramhansa then questioned.

“What about the nauli stomach churn process? Do you not do that. Is that not a major part of this?”

I replied, “That is done but that was not shown to me by Swami Rama. I was taught that by Author Beverford. He showed what Rishi Singh Gherwal instructed. The stomach churns are efficient but that practice does not target the subtle body in the same way and it is not as effective. It should be done but it does not target the subtle energy in the subtle body as does the bhastrika focus into the distended abdomen mass of subtle pollution.”

Replies (1)
    • Comment by Gordon Paterson on LinkedIn:

      Seems like a lot of complex but interesting work, Michael. Sounds like the three Yogis were stranded or abandoned while in Samadhi? A dangerous condition to be in perhaps, while being unattended?

      When brought out of the trance, did they actually possess personal volition to choose where exactly they might next go? And in what advanced form?

      Very best, Michael. Your postings are always interesting and informative. Nirguna


      Mi~Beloved’s Response

      Those yogis, except for one, lost sense of volition or rather, sense of direction. It is interesting because it is reminiscent of the condition of mind one has as a newborn infant, where one has no footing or reference. One clings to whatever there is in the form of parents or medical staff, except that they lacked the clinging tendency but still expected to be related to.

      One yogi did have the sense of direction but not volition or direction of will (willpower). He turned and went to a higher level of existence like a big ship which was drifting in the ocean but was set on auto compass with the engines turned off. Then by some mechanism, the engines started even though there was no crew on board. Then that vessel moved in a preplanned direction as the rudder was set by the auto compass.

      This person said nothing to me or to anyone else, even though there were three other advanced yogis on the scene who perceived him. It is as though he was trained not to make contact with anyone. He avoided eye contact as well as psychic touch contact.

      A senior yogi who was present said nothing about it and everyone else accepted that hint not to interfere with him.


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