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Astral Sun

There is a Savitur gayatri mantra which states that the sun gives energy to three planetary realms, bhuh, bhuvah and svah. The hint there is that the sun controls the life means in the lower, median and higher systems of which the earth is in the median range.

Here is the mantra, word for word meanings and translation:

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वःतत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं ।भर्गो देवस्य धीमहिधियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

tat savitur vareṇyaṁ|

bhargo devasya dhīmahi

dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt||

om - be attentive to sacred information, bhūr = bhūh = physical existence, bhuvaḥ - astral existence, svaḥ - super-astral existence, tat - that, savitur = savituh - sun deity, vareṇyaṁ - that which is the best, bhargo = bhargah - what is self luminous, devasya - of the supernatural persons or influences, dhīmahi - we meditate on, dhiyo = dhiyah = the perceptive insight, yo = yah = who, naḥ - us, pracodayāt - for inspiring


Be attentive to this sacred information!

There are the physical, astral and super-astral existences. These are energized by the self-luminous sun-deity Savituh, who is the best of the supernatural influences. We meditate on him for inspiring perceptive insight.

It is understood that the bhuh realm is the lowest. The bhuvah is median. The svah is the highest. This is not in terms of physical geography. This is in terms of mystic distance. If anyone anywhere on earth went up physically, up and up through the sky and outerspace, he/she would not locate the svah higher region. The direction and distance are mystic not physical.

I was in an astral realm on June 30, 2022. I had influenza on that day and took a day nap as a result. During that time, on the astral side of existence, I found myself being pulled to a place in the Caribbean. As soon as I got there, I was at a beach where two persons I knew over fifty years ago were located. One was a friend I knew who I have not seen in fifty years.

He took me to a lady who was his mother at that time. This lady passed on several years prior. The sun was bright at that place but it was not in the sky, only its radiance was there. It shun just as it does on a cloudless day on a tropical island.

The lady spoke to me. As soon as she did another woman appeared. The interesting this is that the lady used a youthful subtle body, while the second woman used a subtle form, which was similar to one she had when her last physical body was about eighty years of age.

Both women were pleased to speak with me. They showered me with affection. I could not identity the woman who used the older body, but a mental hint was given to me which suggested that she was the mother of the first woman. Soon after this the friend who pulled me to the island left on an urgent matter to return to his physical body. I spoke with the women for some time. They discussed their astral situations and mentioned some incidence which occurred while I knew them physically so many years ago.

After the conversation, the older lady left. Then the younger of the two said she wanted to travel with me to where my physical body was located. She wanted to have a marker of where I could be located if need be. She accompanied me back to my physical body. I awakened as that body. She stayed on the astral side of that place for some hours before returning.

Before leaving she explained that after reading the sex you! book, she was no longer interested in being a physical being. She was satisfied being only a psychic presence. She felt that she could live on the island as a subtle being from then onward.

After this, it was time for me to do the afternoon session of breath infusion. I grabbed a yoga mat and walked outdoors. As soon as I stepped out the building, I noticed the sun shining overhead. Right then I felt an inspiration in my mind which related a communication from the sunDeity who said this.

“I am the same sun which was on the astral side, except that there I radiate through a different level of consciousness. I maintain those places.”

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