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Astral Recall Hampered by Late Eating

Astral recall and clarity during astral projection and during psychic reception even when aware of the physical body, are greatly hampered by late eating. During the night, if the physical system has to be processing solid or liquid foods, the energy needed for memory filing and recall will be hampered as the life force will reduce the amount of energy in the subtle body which sponsors event memory and objective awareness during astral encounters.


The plain truth is that once something enters the stomach, even a liquid, one cannot prevent the system from processing it. The food will be process during sleep. The only way to prevent this is to cease all late eating. The energy required for processing food, the attention which must be rendered to the digestive system, happens to be the same energy which is used for objectivity in dream states and for recall of what happened in such encounters.


Hence if there is late eating, then during the night there will be astral projection once the physical body sleeps but there will be no recall of the incidences. Or stated otherwise one will feel that there were no dreams while they were. One will be sleepwalking on the astral side so to speak.



Over the years teaching meditation techniques and giving information about astral projection, I found that most of the students are resistant to this advice. Even many serious students violate this advice repeated and still expect to be successful in dream recall and psychic sensitivity with clarity about clairvoyance and clairaudience. The mouth is dedicated to ruining advanced methods of psychic perception. It runs a dictatorship over the body, with the core-self stooping and bending any which way.

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