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Astral Nude World

There are several astral planes where humans move about just as the animals do on this planet, with no clothing. In contrast there are astral levels where humans move about with clothing and with the ability to change the fabric and colors on the spur of the moment, simply by thinking or desiring.

While in this world, if someone does not like the color of hair on the head, he/she may dye it, in some astral places, the color would change instantly just by the desire for it to be different.

Once when doing a session of breath infusion, two females appeared. Each was nude but it was without sexual stress. Noticeably were their breasts which were firm and full, exuding the energy of motherly nurturing with some slight sexual energy which was supportive of the nurturing tones. I questioned about their condition and about why they descended to the lower astral level where I could see them. One, the senior of the two said this.

“Where we reside, there is hardly any need to eat. Sometimes we eat there but the food looks like sparkling gems. None of it is sour. None of it has salty taste. We rarely evacuate. When we do it is in small amounts and looks like colorful granite material which is soft to the touch.

“As for sexual intercourse, it rarely occurs there. No one thinks of it. If somehow someone does, that person is transited instantly to another astral plane where coitus is enacted.”

I asked about their breasts which exuded a milky substance. One pair produced a milky white-gold liquid. The other produces a milky white-yellow liquid. When I tasted it, it had a neutral taste which was due to my tasting sense which could not taste the flavor which was experienced in the dimension from which these beings were native.

The one who spoke, explained this.

“My breasts exude milk when there is a feeling from someone somewhere with whom I had a relationship. Based on the relationship, a specific type of milk would flow. To fulfill this, I shift to the dimension where the relationship person resides. As for instance, by coming to you, my breasts exude milk which is based on maternal feelings for you specifically.

“When we are in our realm, there is no idea about life on earth. It is there in the psyche but only as a distant memory which is like a faded imprint or like an ancient script which no one currently understands. Still the energy may cause me to transfer to a lower plane where someone exist with whom I had a relationship at some other time, even in some other place.”

Replies (2)
    • Are these females from siddha lokas and they came to visit you sir to some ancient imprint?

      Are they natives of siddha lokas or they climbed up there from lower realms ?

      Their subtle bodies looks far superior in terms of digestion, sexual and evacuation faculties. 


      • These persons were from a place where there are angelic beings whose subtle bodies have only the sattva guna clarifying energy. These are not yogis in the way we understand that term when using a physical body. They do not do austerities. The people who are on the plane of existence from which they hail, do no austerities and still they are not attracted to rebirth or physical history, or liberation even.

        Because of a release of a memory energy in their psyches, they came to visit. I was reported as being absent from that place, and I was traced to where I am currently. This was a reminder that I have other associations in other places, and should not create more links to anyone or anything on this earthly plane. Such earthly relationship would further stall my return to those other places.

        For some time now in this body and before, I endeavored to break off from earth history and to close out relationship accounts, but thus far I failed to do it. Visits like these provide more impetus to end my interest here.

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