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Another Buddhist Method

This developed in Japan. Do not confuse it as being the original system taught by Gautam Buddha.

Even so, it has value in that it developed and gave certain results.

Replies (3)
    • Amazing intro!

      It looks like they are also threading on Anatma. But nevertheless it gives certain strong results. I have applied some zen principles and gained a good peace for few days, live life like a flow of river and not craving for good boy, intelligent boy image.

      Certainly, it gives certain results like reduced anxiety and mindfulness. 

      • My favorite saying in Zen is:

        "Before enlightenment, I used to cut wood, gather sticks and fetch water.

        After enlightenment, I still cut wood, gather sticks and fetch water."

        Haha, it keeps your expectations on check!

        • Keep in mind that Zen Buddhists do embrace the Pali Canon literature! However they practice a little differently while aiming for the same destination of nibanna.  The idea of having no expectations has been repeatedly stressed to me by my teacher who is a Burmese monk and teacher of insight meditation. We follow a more systematic method but along the way we intersect with Dogen’s teaching. It is so obvious at the end of the video that the monk is referencing the state of non self/ no self/ anatta. I really enjoyed this talk.  

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