Anonymous/ Astral Sexual Attraction Inquiry
I came across an anonymous inquiry, whereby others' input is solicited. So please have at it. and, here it is:
"The sexual energy transmitted from women on TV and Videos and how one can try to deal with it by sitting to reach the woman astrally which was a big mistake. What would be the right way of handle such a situation? Obviously not watching or reducing viewing these programs is the best solution."
- · Michael Beloved
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It is transmission and reception, like for instance in the case of radio, where a signal with a content it transmitted. This goes nowhere unless there is an electronic device to receive the signal and interpret it for human ears which are a reception device.
If one is affected in an undesirable way by a transmission, then the best solution is to be removed from it so that your reception equipment does not get the broadcast. I realize that it is not that simple. One may be forced to hear or see a transmission. Or one may be forcibly attracted to it in such a way that it is irresistible. If it is then one has to indulge and enjoy or suffer accordingly.
For a yogi whatever is irresistible, whatever cannot be avoided, whatever one does not have the power to buffer, should be analyzed to determine the source, the motive, the reception of it by the yogi and why the yogi is helpless in relation to it.
One should not form the idea that every transmission can be avoided because that is just not a fact. However, one should develop insight to know of the transmission as I stated in the paragraph above this.
Gaining insight into the origin of the transmission, the motive of the transmitter, the helpless reception of it and the effects of it on one’s psyche, is the benefit one would gain as a yogi in cases where one could not avoid the transmission.
I know that many students of inSelf Yoga™ get this idea that the practice will correct everything and give every possible resistance. However, that is not true because a limited being cannot correct every circumstance and cannot resist every possible influence. Unless one moved into a dimension where there are no negative influences, one will encounter negativities which one cannot buffer. Therefore, insight into these overpowering factors is the aim not full conquest over them.
- · unknown
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In regard to energy coming through the TV I decided when my son was about 3 years old (20 years ago) to pull the plug on cable. The straw that broke the camels back was the content MTV, BET and VH1, as well as the emergence of raunchy reality shows.
At least then, it was impossible to flip through channels with a child sitting next to you because even a passing glimpse of what might be seen on those channels could effect him (and me) in negative ways.
Mostly its all the tits and ass. Simulated sex in every video.
For example.
The entertainer Beyonce Knowles has what I consider to be a mental condition that has driven her for more than 20 years. She possesses a literal obsession with shaking her breasts in the face of everyone in the world while simulating sex or gross sexuality in practically every single clip of every single video she's ever made.
And the rest of the music industry follows the same basic formula.
Women making spectacles of themselves.
Men watching, encouraging and demeaning women to keep doing it.
Reality TV follows a very similar formula.
The bottom line was I wanted the energy out of my life, I got it out and for all these years I haven't been subjected to it. My son is 23 and has no desire for cable TV viewing and although he's a hot blooded male he doesn't find the women on TV or videos to be respectable. Maybe that's all him or maybe it had something to do with his mother not accepting this part of the culture as an acceptable part of his or her life.
For a woman, its been good for my self-esteem and my interest in things that have nothing to do with cable TV viewing, which for many Americans, if they did the same, would free up a lot of their time.
For a young son, growing up, it was good to not activate his sexuality at a young age by even seeing women and men behaving in such a demonic way (and manipulation through gross sexual imagery is a form of hypnotic/demonic behavior imo).
Of course eventually my son was exposed to all of it, even while still a boy spending time at others people's homes he would have seen it. We can't eliminate all of it but we sure can eliminate a huge portion of our energetic sexual problems and disturbances by throwing out the cable bill and never ever paying it again.
- · Suryananda
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Thank you for this in-depth and detailed reply, as well as the overall dynamic discourse.
What I am getting from the initial reply and in the final analysis, is that it is not so much the challenges in the environment, that come about from being an integral part of them, and as they each are regulated by their particular karmic, dharmic and samsaric covenants that need one to stop at; but rather it is the inSelf Yogins’ attitude towards these manifestations that need working on.
This attitude is only adjustable in the course of time and practice through lifetimes and even realms of existence.
- · unknown
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I'm not sure I'm quite comprehending the last reply.
But, I think influence in this creation flows in all directions.
Fundamentally my point was:
Sometimes you have to change from the outside, in.
I find this to be the case in many circumstances.
I did find all the exchanges very engaging. But my reaction is my recap or personal take on Michael's initial reply to the post.
I was particularly thinking about his last 3 paragraphs:
"One should not form the idea that every transmission can be avoided because that is just not a fact. However, one should develop insight to know of the transmission as I stated in the paragraph above this."
"I know that many students of inSelf Yoga™ get this idea that the practice will correct everything and give every possible resistance. However, that is not true because a limited being cannot correct every circumstance and cannot resist every possible influence. Unless one moved into a dimension where there are no negative influences, one will encounter negativities which one cannot buffer. Therefore, insight into these overpowering factors is the aim not full conquest over them."
And, so yes the creation flows in every direction. And ultimately, the change has to come from within, even as we meet the external. Therefore the attitude in approaching the situations is to be taken into consideration. It is not really what creation throws at us, that is all it ever does! It is about our attitude in facing those innumerable circumstances.