On September 4, 2021, A lady appeared. She is currently staying in the hereafter. She lost her physical body some years prior. I knew this lady in 1975 when I resided in Thief River Falls, Minnesota.
I greeted her as usual. I sensed that she was short of energy in the subtle body. Due to the fact that I just finished an afternoon session of breath infusion, my subtle body was infused with fresh astral energy. Some of this flowed into her subtle form which lacked energy.
Mentally she reviewed the circumstances of our meeting so many years ago. To her the highlight was that I was seductive with her. This is her description of the experience. She said this,
“You were very attractive to me. I mean your eyes were very appealing. I was so attracted when I first met you that I did not know what to do. I felt as if I could leave aside my life, everything, just to be with you. I guess that is something that some humans endure during their youthful years. Is it just a development of nature or is there some deeper?”
After this she paused to allow me to speak but I said nothing. I was afraid that her mood would turn to the worse if I give my part of the experience. I did recall meeting this lady but I only recalled having an interest in her. But undoubtedly there was this magnetic pull between us. From my perspective it was an interest on my part. It was not romantic initially.
The problem for an inSelf yogi is that these relationships happen by chance. None of this is contrived in the true sense. It is rolled out by nature and forms as one’s destiny. This includes the repercussions. You can just imagine, that now years after, I face this challenge of someone identifying me as having a relationship with a conjugal face to it. What should I do?
Exposure in any environment is costly, if now at the moment, then in the future, now, then hereafter or in a future life.
- · Suryananda
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I face this challenge of someone identifying me as having a relationship with a conjugal face to it. What should I do?
Exposure in any environment is costly, if now at the moment, then in the future, now, then hereafter or in a future life.
This is a major postuation for anyone on this path of detailed and minutious advancement through diligent and ever earnest efforts. I consider this to be yet another achilles heel to squarely deal with!
And, I feel that the question is already partialy addressed by one’s current attitude. It seems to be the case that most environments present natural opportunities of connecting with others. But still what to do?
My attitude is to check internally what I owe in case there is some prior links, and to be vigilant in the course of new encounters, as these are not begnin and can invariably or randomly turn malignant or persistent.
Unfortunately for me I can be asinine and dismissive, because I sometimes I’d just run for cover, figuring that I am not goint to be able to respond or satisfy all these desires that may latch on like invisible tentacles. So I just tend to cut out if I see any way out, I make a hasty run for it, and shut the person out until fate brings us together again for the unfinished business.
Therefore, I still scratch my head over this achilles heel, with no real faith that there is a solution other than actually working it out, whatever that means! Or perhaps aiming for an location that doesn’t foment linking to others (something I don’t personally necessarily always fancy).
- · Marcia Beloved
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Exposure in any environment is costly
I feel that nothing is ever settled in the sensuous sphere realms. This is anywhere that one is hooked up to the 5 senses and the mind. One can dodge and engage in relationships and rationalize desires and accountability for eternity but until one separates awareness from the adjuncts, one hasn’t yet left the stage and still sees oneself in an acting role. One still hasn’t achieved a total withdrawal of the senses and the mind from external stimuli.
There certainly is a path to purity in which that withdrawal is complete. One has to dare to be detached and not turn back to sensual and mental involvement. Who is ready to abandon the senses and the mind? Can it at least be done In seated meditation for a minute or 2?
a minute or 2????
That is a suspicious proposition!
Actually I was anticipating that people would say it cannot be done in daily life in the world today. I thought I’d be dismissed as an idealist!!!!!! So, how about in formal meditation? There might be a chance there. I’m still striving for that 2nd minute and beyond. But even a few seconds does much to solidify confidence in the process used to get there.