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A Strange Destiny - Alan Watts

Alan Watts had a large impact on Western society. He presented what was termed Zen Buddhism to the world in the English language.

But questions remain about his authenticity. If his presentations were bogus, why did fate give him the opportunity to misrepresent anything?

Does fate give a damn about anything or anybody?

Replies (2)
    • It is accepted by most people in the know, that the word Zen is a Japanese sound adjustment from the sanskrit word dhyana, which is defined as the 7th stage of yoga practice.

      Follow this:

      dhyana (dhee-an-a)

      dhyan (dhee-an)



      • He has a natural charisma.

        The world Parliament of religion and spiritual heads in 1893 in Chicago kick started a psychic storm and melange of even more oriental advisors to the west. 

        Astrally such unions were already taking place and in time the physical manifesting occurred in Chicago and that threw out even more new variations and entanglement. 

        Swami Vivekananda and the other Zen master were the big winners from the conference in terms of Fame and popularity and charisma. It always looks like the conference was held to launch the swami Vivekananda to the world from Hinduism perspective, he emerged as big winners of all. The other successive ambassadors still could not reach anywhere near his status quo. Providence and Ramakrishna empowered him and transferred all his austerities and powers to him for his mission, but fate took a different turn on his mission.

        When I was 19, I went to a seminar where I have heard from a biographer of Ramakrishna -Vivekananda that they were transmigrating spiritual buddies. In previous births, Vivekananda was the teacher and Ramakrishna was the student.

        Ramakrishna spots Vivekananda and utters first lines as "how long you made me wait for your arrival ?" and in next meets Ramakrishna was willing to transfer his powers and siddhis to Vivekananda for the mission for which he took birth. Ramakrishna recollects that Vivekananda was one of the seven rishis and he was Gautama rishi. 

        I have relayed what I heard from the speech precisely and the speaker has published a book on these things back in 2010-12. I could not verify the psychic facts mentioned in the speech personally as I have not read the book yet. But the energy and activities of these personalities look like that. Swami Vivekananda must be Gautama rishi of this existence or equivalent category from other existence or eons.

        Inspirations or successors to imitate swami Vivekananda who is a category of Gautama rishi has to have a realistic yardstick based on the category of atma he is. Even Prince Siddhartha after enlightenment today is called as Gautama Buddha (Gautama rishi gothra or clan in which he took physical birth)

        Interestingly that Alan watts got inspired from swami Vivekananda and others Zen masters of that time, the remnant energy from the conference must have latched on to him to accomplish certain missionary acts and then the energy threw Alan watts aways and looking for next carrier.

        Ultimately, it is like we are mosquitoes who are used as carriers by nature or fate or prakriti for certain good or bad energy and at the end we are squashed like mosquitoes to death and the energy still keeps going on and on to find for next the carrier!!

        And the mosquito gets blamed for all the dengue and malaria viruses and people take efforts to eliminate mosquitoes.

        Why shoot the messenger instead of the messager? Fate itself inspires that too.

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