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A Dimensional Cubism of a Dream within a Dream

The dream started with me hearing the name of Kripamaya prabhu, as if he was around although I didn’t see him. Then RishiDeva was explaining the term nashula or no-shula to Krishna Chandra (someone I only heard the name of but never met in person). I was close by so that I could hear the conversation, but not see them. I may not have been in the same dimension because if at all possible I would normally want to be right there should RishiDeva be explaining anything.


Then, I realized that I was sleeping with my subtle body very near to the physical, but not synchronized with it. I started to move the subtle body just there in bed and was shocked, even a bit unsettled that it was able to move the objects (I was not making the link that the subtle body was acting on subtle counterparts of these objects in an adjacent dimension).


I decided to move around (still not having made the interdimensional link). I was again very surprised that I was able to lift the body (the subtle, not the physical one as I was thinking in the dream) above the bed and move it around.


Next, I thought that I was now awake. And, I noticed that I had gotten my nightstand out of the way from when I was “levitating” in bed, so not as to hurt the body. I was very perplexed as to not having realized that I moved objects around during my sleep, and not remembering it. So I decided that I actually sleepwalked, something I never did that I know.


I kept puzzled about the event, as I went along my daily activities upon waking in that subtle dimension, thinking that I was in the ordinary physical. Of course, later on, realized that I was still sleeping and that the objects were only moved in the adjacent dimension where the dream was taking place.


I awoke from that dimension but was evidently still asleep. The subtle body now was acting within yet another dimension and interacting with family. The complete dream log including the last two paragraphs with family will be submitted to RishiDeva.



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