300 years battle between Sanyasis (Vaishnavites vs Saivites)
Warrior monk
Between the 15th and 18th centuries, highly organised bands of ascetics controlled many of the trade routes in the north of the subcontinent. These ascetic militias often trained in yogic practices, as well as in martial arts. They battled with each other and provided mercenary armies for moguls, rajahs and wealthy landowners.
In 1567, the Mughal emperor Akbar encountered a battle between two rival groups of sannyasis (Hindu ascetics) at Thaneshwar. The chaotic scene was captured by his court artist, and shows the sannyasis with their wild hair and ashen blue skins fighting for the right to control a prime site on the banks of the Saraswati River.
The groups were gathered, along with other pilgrims, on the day of a solar eclipse to bathe in the river. The riverbank was a prime site for performing rites and collecting alms from the pilgrims.
The painting also highlights the growing numbers of rival factions of ascetics. The ascetics in the painting bear the mark of the Vaishnav sect (followers of the god Vishnu): a characteristic V or U shape on the forehead and nose. Their archrivals were the Shaivites, the followers of Shiva.
Battles between the military wings of Vaishnav sects such as the Ramanandis and Shaivite sects such as the Dasnami were at their most violent in the 18th century and resulted in the deaths of thousands of ascetics.
Excerpt taken from: https://wellcomecollection.org/articles/WjK0mSsAAJCEh4A1
Even the resentment energies and desire to dominate over others (political power) don't spare the renunciants (sanyasis).
There is a saying in India in my home state: "The one who renounced his desires is loftier than one who renounced only his clothes".
It has a deep message and implies that it is more difficult to renounce the desires (inner clothes) than just renouncing external clothes and roaming naked with deep desires inside. Only a matter of time, it is going to manifest, either one hides in the forest or mountains or river banks, the karma and desires will haunt him forever.
- · Michael Beloved
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That is interesting but as Nature would have it, behind religious sentiment there is likely to be an undercurrent of political motives.