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Ancestral Force Series-3: Ancestral Tug of War & Cut Throat Politics

March 2021 - Feb 2022

Winston Salem, North Carolina → Chennai, India

This is a sequel to  Ancestral Force Series-2: Ancestral Obligations stops Sannyasa (renunciation) 

Ancestral Competition:

One of the most horrendous times of my life was during March - October 2021, when I and my family was aggressively searching for a bride for me as per our family customs.

I happen to meet several ancestors of mine and many of them came to introduce themselves to me, so I would acknowledge their presence and honor their will in the physical world.


Main Ancestral Cabals & their plots:

Some important ancestors were: 

  1. Great Grandmother from my mother's father's side (died in the 1940s)
    1. Even my grandfather has not seen her face since she died shortly after giving birth to him, died 80+ years ago, and still has not taken a body.
    2. She was roaming like a 12-year-old girl and introduced herself to me as the mother-in-law of my grandmother indirectly means that she portraying as the grand senior and that I have to respect and honor her wishes.
    3. Her direct descendants participated fully in my upbringing and supported me so far, they have the upper hand in the queue. She is the first few in the queue. 
    4. Agenda: She wanted to be born in a super duper wealthy and thru the same or higher warrior caste women, nothing short of it. She did not even want to mix with Brahmins or mercantile people, she was particular about her warrior caste. She did not give a crap about virtues or noble character, it was all wealth, caste and power. 
  2. Paternal side distant grandfather (died 30+ years ago, in 1989)
    1. He was such a distant relative that hardly anyone remembers him, even my mom saw him only once.
    2. I took this physical body in 1992 and so never saw these faces or had any interaction, but it doesn't mean they don't have a right over me.
    3. He was in paralysis and bedridden all his life and he was taken care of by one of his brother's widow, he died without any kids lonely in his small house in 1989. My mom saw him once and remembers him as an affectionate grandpa, nothing more than this.
    4. He disguised himself as the famous saint Shirdi Sai Baba and was jumping from the ceiling of my ancestral house which freaked me out and he said kind words like "I am with you, don't worry, I am here". Still these antics of jumping from roofs scared me.
    5. I was wondering why Shirdi Sai Baba want to visit me, I hardly have any bones to pick with him. MAdhva helped me identify him, even my family members had no clue about this guy and never thought he would be tracking us after 30 years.
    6. Agenda: He just wants a body and he wanted me to side with my father's decision over my mother, so he could jump over the lane. No one wants to wait in the queue! He is way back in the queue like 30-40 people back!
  3. My maternal uncle (died in 2015)
    1. He has extraordinary karma with me, he raised me like his own son and filled the shoes of my father who evaded almost all the parental responsibilities.
    2. He roams around in his 50s body (the age when he died), rarely seen in young bodies.
    3. He just wants a body somehow thru me and if I go in the caste, family, and the whim of my mother basis, he will definitely not get it. He is way back in the queue.
    4. Agenda: He supplied some of the motivational energy to break away from caste and get bodies from lower castes, so he can jump over the queue and get a body somehow. Many other ancestors will not take their bodies thru me if I marry a lower caste woman and that would be his golden opportunity to cut the line and hit the jackpot. There are at least 5-6 people in front of him to get the body and he is very anxious about it.  
    5. His karmic influence over me is a little strong because he invested so much time in my upbringing. I struggled under his confusing instructions and motivations within my body
  4. Paternal grandmother (died in 2017): Main villain and influential
    1. She is my biological father's mother who died pretty recently.
    2. She is the villain of the whole story, she will stand straight opposite to any decision my mother takes.
    3. She is not interested in taking birth immediately, she roams and mingles with her astral friends and wants to spend some time there before coming down, she has no birth urgency.
    4. Agenda: Her main agenda was to destroy my mother's smile on her face and marry a girl against my mother's wishes, so ancestors from my paternal side will get a chance and discount the maternal side. She acted as an ambassador for the group of ancestors from my paternal side. The paternal side is running very low on karma because they abandoned me and did not participate in my upbringing. So, the trick was to break away from maternal family customs and then their side ancestors would get a chance.

and several other deceased ancestors are also in the line.

Other Minor but tormenting Ancestral Cabals:

The number that I personally counted ranges somewhere between 10-12 on my maternal side, and almost the same on my paternal side. So, for the count comes 20-25 people waiting just from my family, not including my to-be spouse's side.

Moreover, in the process of arranged marriage, I met 4-6 of my past life's wives and lovers with whom I had strong past life karma. When I met the first 2 of my lovers from a past life, karma just manifested spontaneously and brimmed like a river, we could not wait to be in each other's arms and karma was setting us up to meet each other and entangle even more. They were of the same caste too and several of my maternal and paternal ancestors were also supporting me to pursue this opportunity.

But my mother did not like any of those girls and abhorred them because her psychic instinct alerted her that they could take away me from her and cause a dent in her relationship with me. This life biological mother was also one of my past life's wives, she is adamant now just like how she was before and I dumped her and moved to the forest with a loin cloth. Fate, I took birth to her again to complete the relationship. She was jealous and envious of my other past-life wives.

Luckily, Madhva was there to save me the first 2 times and he bore the past life's affection out of my psychic head (a very painful process) and sobered me back to go back with my mother's wishes. 

Next 4 instances when  I met my past life wives, I just quietly walked past with the least damage and made sure not to open any old box of relationships. All credit goes to my teacher Madhva that's how he hammered the unmalleable me into shape.

In this unavoidable karmic encounter, several ancestors of these girls jumped over into my body and they still torment me to reach them and complete the relationship to get bodies but unfortunately, they might have already gotten married and the right circumstances have passed away. So far there are at least, 6 x 4 = 24 ancestors from their side residing or visiting my body frequently and tormenting me.


Who did the marriage? Mother? Ancestors? Gurus? Deities?

Why did I listen to my mother, even though she made several silly ignorant decisions, I have to complete relationship energy with her and the ancestral contract.

Above all, my gurus wanted me to do. Madhva and Sri M both played crucial roles. Several ancestors empowered me to break free from my mother's clutches who was acting like a dictator at that point, but still, gurus wanted me to go thru her because that's how the hierarchy is set and she has earned that right by taking birth in such a family setup and working for my upbringing.

  • Madhva actively participated to lose several nooses over my neck and asked me to ignore other ancestors' commands and wishes and get married as per my mom's wishes. 
  • Sri M would send astral messages to me day and night over several days whenever there was tension "Make your mother win, like how Krishna made Arjun win among all opposing forces".

Till I tied the knot the opposing factions of ancestors were plotting to stop the marriage and get another girl. They almost succeeded in stopping by hijacking my father's psyche on the day of the wedding.

The wedding was barely saved by some divine force. After this failed attempt, my dad want to end his life, ancestors were disgusted with him as he was useless in every way to their whimsical needs. My biological father was not self-aware of the words he spoke and why he acted in such an odd way. I have literally no resentment toward my dad in his attempt to stop my wedding because I saw what was happening and was grateful that he cooperated with what he could to hold himself during crucial moments. My mother wanted him to get killed due to his antics at the wedding, they were rolling my head like a soccer ball!

The fun fact is my mother still keeps thinking she was the one and only one who single-handedly accomplished the marriage but it is actually the blessing of the female family deity who pushed the astral energies to get the marriage done over all these opposing forces.

My mother was empowered by her set of ancestors to kick my dad out of the house but I stopped it as it is not dharma and it could lead to more bad karma for me. She claimed that she has every right to kick him out because he tried to stop the marriage for which she worked so hard.

I asked her "Whose marriage? and who arranged it? Deity and Guru arranged and blessed it, it is foolish and delusional for you to think that you did it.

It is stupid to think that I did this marriage for you but only to make my Gurus win and to make sure my Guru's words don't go false!

I would have even eaten shit if my Gurus has asked me. You silly women! Even my toenail would not listen to you! Throw your anger aside and follow Dharma! "

(Btw, eating shit is not a very big deal, it is part of forest ascetic practices to create disgust for food, the point was that guru's word was supreme compared to anything)

I uttered this in front of all my relatives, and she got embarrassed.

The woman got even madder and started wailing on the ground and biting her nails, scratching her face, tearing her saree, and hitting her head on the walls till she bled and now she wanted to end her life, full-blown drama! like Kaikeyi in Valmiki Ramayana before sending Rama to the forest.

At that time, very similar astral scenes from past life flashed to me, and I silently smiled there and did not react to her antics. She did the same wailing when I left her and was surrounded by the same relatives as her neighbors in a past life; life after life same people, same behavior brought together by Karma and I am also stuck in this loop. 

Next time, I should be more circumspective before uttering any words. 

Concluding remarks: 

So, Madhva asks this question all the time. Who owns the body?

This gives a picture of cut-throat politics in a shared enterprise and fighting to own the body.

Also, tells how precious and difficult it is to get the body in a decent condition!

"Who owns the body?" is a deeper question, I am still probing on the level of rights, desires, and commands, they have over my body and how to sidestep them.

A profound question though which is worthy of yogic investigation!



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