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Tools for inSelf Yoga Series- 5: Indoor vs Outdoor Locations

Even though they are analytical, some of the genres are interlinked. Eg: Nadi, Chakra, Kundalini, Higher conscious states → all are linked.

This is the master database of all Tools for the inSelf Yoga Series

This is a direct Sequel to

  1. Tools for inSelf Yoga Series- 3: Sun/ Moon & External thoughts/ noise Energy variation within a day
  2. Tools for inSelf Yoga Series- 4: Sun/ Moon Energy- Variation within a year


Irrespective of the weather conditions and sun-moon energy combination, one must practice consistently through all the up and down phases.

These are just tools or map guides to give a practitioner what to expect down the road, one has no control to change anything down the lane than to adapt to it and to get the best out of it.

Location of breath infusion or meditation:

The area or site of the breath infusion or meditation practice is critical.

Location changes the following factors which can directly influence meditation:

  1. Indoor or outdoor
  2. Quality of Air for breath infusion
  3. Grade and Quantity of Sun Energy & Moon Energy
  4. External thoughts noise energy around the area (physical & subtle noise level in air)
  5. Timing of the practice
  6. Who owns the area (this is the most critical)
    1. Approval of both the living and disembodied entities residing in that area is needed, if not they can induce severe resistance energy (Disembodied entities are more powerful and cause psychic repulsive energy to drive one out)
S.No. Parameters Indoor Outdoor
1 Quality of Air for breath infusion
  1. Stale air from the degradation of carpets or roofs
  2. Even with windows opened the air quality will be relatively lower than outside
  3. Less Susptecible to outside weather fluctuations
  1. Very high air quality, especially near the trees; fresh prana will be produced
  2. More susceptible to Sun/ Moon energy fluctuations in a time
2 Grade of Sun Energy in the air
  1. A relatively lower grade of solar energy in the indoor air (outdoor air mixes with the indoor air)
  2. Observed heater to increase temperature inside the house to decrease the moon energy influence which can increase the kundalini risings.↑
  3. Exposure to the sun's heat form of energy is avoided, risking any heat injuries.
  1. Very high grade of solar energy in the air
  2. Sun energy grade in the air can be felt in the lightness of the subtle body within a few rounds of breath infusion practice. 
  3. Sun energy for practice is not the heat form where the physical body gets toasted. Direct heat form of sun energy is to be avoided. 
  4. In tropical conditions, one should avoid direct physical body exposure to the sun after 10 am, the body can get sunstroke. 
3 Quantity of Sun Energy in the air
  1. Usually, solar energy gets stored inside the room in the form of heat and contained, due to exposure to the sun 
  2. Less susceptible to fluctuations from wind and clouds 
  3. On rainy, cold, or cloudy days, inside environments have more solar energy in the form of heat 
  1. 1. Unlike Indoor, the open environment is very susceptible to cloud and wind movements 
  2. Sun and moon energy can be changing dramatically over a time
  3. On sunny days, an extraordinary quantity of solar energy is available 
4 Physical noise energy in the air
  1. Fan or air conditioner sound might be annoying but can be controlled or reduced to a great extent. 
  2. TV or radio noise energy from people/ neighbor can be annoying but can be controlled by going into other rooms 
  1. Physical noise: Insects (like crickets) noise frequency (physical frequency) will be very close to naad frequency (supernatural frequency) which can overlap and confuse the beginner's meditation 
  2. Radio, neighbor, or laity's noise energy from strangers can be annoying but one has no control can be controlled.



Indoor or outdoor, Who owns the area? 

This will be an important topic that might not be much discussed.

One's practice can be highly ruined when one practices in an area where one might have:

  1. Level of Ownership or right to be in that place
    1. The karmic right of any p[laces continuously changes with their ancestors (older and younger)
    2. When old or senior people have so many karmic rights that their word in the house is the rule, without their permission, practicing in that house is very challenging
    3. When younger ones come in sometime, our karmic share of rights gets diluted as they claim our share and again our right to practice spiritual austerities can be challenged. 
    4. Without the right to be in a place or approval from the majority share of owners, practicing spiritual austerities is a nightmare.
    5. Prakriti can put us in such situations temporarily, but it also tests and gives a real time picture of the person's striving and stamina. 
  2. Materialistic people who abhor spiritual practice, instead ask for striving for material gains
    1. Embodied people convey it through physical and mental energy
      1. They yell, create noise, and find ways to stop the practice.
      2. Don't think the tension is going to slow down anytime, instead physical and psychic tension climbs up exponentially over time. (What to do? Either fight back or give in? I leave it to the individual's choice and psyche nature)
      3. Don't assume that hiding from living people can save one from his secret practice in their house, the disembodied people will inspire the living people to find where one is hiding and try to stall the practice. 
      4. Living and disembodied materialistic people are always in a conspiracy to stall the practice or anything that does not go as per their materialistic agenda
    2. Disembodied people can unleash a psychic force that can destroy the practice
      1. they can spook the practitioners in several ways (especially at night or early morning darkness)
        1. they can't physically do anything but the involuntary response to spookiness stored in the psyche will be rekindled
      2. levy a psychic burden in the head that can cause heavy headaches and heaviness in their premises
        1. this goes away when one momentarily leaves the place
      3. The repulsive psychic force that can drive one out of the place instantly
    3. Individual's house or apartment (shared or full)
      1. Rented or full ownership if the individual is paying from his hard-earned money, the individual automatically gains a solid right to practice his austerity with less interference from others
      2. In other cases, it is going to be a troubled state of practice
      3. This is the best place tp practice compared to all.

My ancestral house experience:

All this is from my experience when I went to my ancestral home in India, only to realize my karmic right in the house was heavily reduced from 30% to almost nothing, in fact, they were canceled. Even though I have heavily contributed financially to the house, and to my relatives, my rights were nullified. I did my obligation as the chosen one to the best ability but still, this consequence was bound to happen.

Since I got married, my karmic equations are mixing with my spouse's equations and they are taking me in different directions too. The karmic rights of an individual are constantly changing with time. 

Btw, inspite of all these resistances and obstacles, I continued the practice, that's where several marvelous results played out. It was Prakriti's set up and the several gurus and deities grace made me survive barely enough. 

Cause for disdain from ancestors:

Everything hinges on the unrealistic expansive materialistic agenda or mission of the ancestors (embodied and disembodied), if one does not tow in line with their mission, one will be kicked out and all their rights will be disenfranchised.

One group of ancestors will try to disown and the other group will try to bring him back in line. Both groups will torture the living beings with opposing tasks and the living people act confused under their influence.


The yogic practitioner has to draw the fine line on what is achievable by the limited being in limited time with limited resources for the advancement of the family and the fulfillment of their materialistic agenda to the best in realistic terms.

Every family's ancestors want their fellow children to be the richest man in the world like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. Every time, they put the Forbes list of wealthy families, they psychically or directly put pressure to put their family's name on that list.

Well, that is not going to happen in this lifetime, and one has to be clear to himself. When one communicates this to family members, they instantly send a repulsive force or act humble as if they never cared about money and it was all love.

The underlying force is several ancestors' desire to be the emperors or richest or most powerful people on the planet. These desire energies are perpetual as Patanjali says and these ancestors (including us) are just victims of these eternal energies. 

So, one should silently step away from unrealistic ambitious goals and fulfill average to above-average realistic goals.  Of course, ancestors won't be satisfied but at least they won't feel the individual has exploited their hard work and gave nothing in return. 

Example in my case:

  1. My great-grandparents in my present body lineage were quite wealthy people, but several sudden death and their kids were left orphans by the age of 3-5 and relatives stole all their wealth
  2. So, my grandparents started from the lower class and reached a struggling middle-class family status.
  3. My uncle and my mom elevated the family to a struggling upper-middle-class family in India.
  4. Now, I stabilized the family from struggling to a steady upper-middle-class family.  
  5. So, now my ancestors want me to take them to the rank of upper-class families and my kids to an even higher level.
  6. Prakriti has to honor this plan but the plan looks step-wise and feasible, is it?
    1. No, it is circular, we can go back to square one again at any time if the karmic equations are not in line with the plan.
  7. I can take them to the lower-upper class and leave my next generation to take it from there, in that way ancestors' blame on me will be blunted. What lies ahead is unknown, everything is a loop! Will the next generation go to the sky or ground or stay neutral !


Replies (3)
    • “Who owns the area (this is the most critical)

      1. Approval of both the living and disembodied entities residing in that area is needed, if not they can induce severe resistance energy (Disembodied entities are more powerful and cause psychic repulsive energy to drive one out)“

      This particular point resonated with me. When I relocated to a new area a couple months ago. I was hesitant and reluctant to practice for a while. There was concern about causing disturbance to the neighbors and the idea of delaying the practice. 

      I discussed this with an advanced yogi. It was brought to my attention that there’s a resistance energy towards yoga in the environment. This is partly due to misunderstandings regarding its intents and purposes.

      I almost succumbed to this “severe resistance energy.” Even now it is still a battle. Where if the practice isn’t completed by a certain time. I am discouraged to do it. Thank you for highlighting these points. 


      • I leave it to the individuals and their nature, but from my experience, any place that has severe external resistance for yogic practice is a marvelous place to practice. 

        In fact, today every place has a resistive force for yogic purposes, there may be some exceptions. If not external obstacles, internally there are enough resistive forces. I'm facing my internal resistive forces directly, external forces are nothing in comparison. Even if one retreats to forests, one will definitely can't do in forests where internal forces are so difficult to face. if one can't do it in the cities due to external disturbances, one will definitely can't do it in forests where internal forces are so difficult to face. One wild animal mumbling is enough to leave the body in paralysis. 

        I have done this in places where one usually would not do. I have done it in rest areas next to highways, empty spaces outside restrooms, open playgrounds, and several houses of my friends, relatives, etc, etc. The motivation was internal turmoil, these external obstacles were like thorns in the back, but nothing when compared to bullets lodged in the chest. 

        Acharya Mun biographer states that he advised his students to go to the deepest forests, especially where tigers roam, and to meditate there for days. He advised that's how one faces his own fears and is assured of marvelous results. Acharya Mun was like if the person had to die due to karma, he will die for sure with or without the tiger, the tiger has nothing to do with it. So, he encouraged his students to go to the most dangerous places in the deep forest to meditate. This was his style. 

        Based on the person's psyche nature, and the psyche's evolutionary stage, a balanced approach is to be taken by the individual. Usually, it comes from constant experimentation with self. 



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