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Habits Series-3: Vulgar Eating Habits


December 2021 - February 2022

Chennai, India


This definition is not for materialistic or sensually attracted people. This is confined only to yogic purposes which is the exact opposite of sensual purposes. 

Definition of Vulgar Eating Habits:

Vulgar Food Habits for yogic purposes:

  1. Spicy foods (Black pepper, garlic, Chilly, etc)
  2. Oily food
  3. Meat Foods (Meat + Spicy)
  4. Late night, super heavy meal
  5. 3 times a day meal + 2 times a day snacks
  6. Cultural factors that promote vulgar eating (Every culture has one)
    1. Indian women cook food in the kitchen and like to feed their men a lot and men eat in the living space with their big bellies.
    2. Late-night eating in several cultures. In my house, the night meal is the biggest meal.
  7. Random people cooking food is injurious for mental, spiritual & yogic reasons
    1. The cook's mental energy penetrated the food and the quality of the raw materials used.
    2. Restaurant food or food at shady places is injurious for yogic reasons


Consequences and forced association:

Even though I eat only one main meal a day and hardly consume anything afterward, still I was forced to consume that one meal from outside. Outside food especially restaurant food is suicidal for yogic purposes. But fate can put us in a situation where we shall be forced to consume outside food and we should be happy at least that environment provides such food, I have been in a place where no outside is available and left starving till I faint. 

My dad has very vulgar eating habits with all spices, meat-eating, heavy meal consumption, and oily food. The first thing, a stupid association does is corrupt the eating habit. I was forced to consume vulgar foods in his presence.

I kept warning him from day one that he will be standing in the streets someday holding his genitals and begging for food if he does not change his vulgar eating habits from 2012. It happened exactly like that in 2021.

The guy was crying in the streets but I forewarned him of this situation, I have to go thru this with him but it did not affect me as I hardly eat and did not have any expectations from my family members at that stage. I was already trained by Madhva and prior to having minimal food, I was roaming like a wheel happily. When my family members declined access to any food in the house, I smiled and went out, my dad became the victim. 

The delicious food makes him run like a beast with a tongue out for food. He has no yogic interests, he is average laity with an above-average appetite for tasty food. Most of them are like him, who work hard for a living and in the night they come back to enjoy all forms of sensual pleasures and cry over it again when they lose access.

Poor guy, his own tongue brought him to the streets crying.

Prakriti cuts access to Money:

The first few days, he enjoyed the outside eating but later on the money crunch came and frustrated him badly. My Indian currency in hand was running out and all my Indian accounts were seized by my family members. So, no cash to spend on anything. At one point, I was redirecting some money my father-in-law gave to me and my wife as part of a custom to buy clothes for festivals for myself and my dad's needs which is a shameful act in my culture. I was forced to do it. 

If Prakriti wants to stop access to the money she can stop at any time. 

The lack of money made the situation made it even worse. Prakriti made sure that I don't have access to any money in that environment. I have to open a new bank account in India which takes 2-3 weeks and transfer the money from the US account which took more time. My American credit cards were denied at restaurants, and getting even medicine for his old age prostate problems and groceries like biscuits became a big challenge.


Damage to the Subtle Body:

This is related to Agnisāra Series-2: Real-time view of Agnisara Burning and Purification.

This gives an outlay of the abdomen organs in the subtle body.

Let's see how it is damaged due to vulgar eating. 

My subtle body looked like this as shown in the picture every day as I consume food.

  1. Color: Dark Black
  2. Density: Like Concrete block, hard and heavy as hell, I was walking like an ingested rock.

Agnisara broke it into prices and threw me off. Everyday rock forms due to forced vulgar eating and I keep breaking the rock. 


This is how vulgar eating habits will lead to the subtle body's abdomen organs. I have no doubt about this, I have seen this several times when I consumed rotten meat, and food at ISKCON temple, and again on this occasion

I was doing front kundalini and Agnisara at that time, and it blasted the concrete like energy. I explain in the coming Agnisara posts. Breath infusion is the most efficient way to reform vulgar eating habits.

By the way, this is how the subtle body looks for most people who consume vulgar eating (as defined above).










Replies (2)
    • interesting experiences

      A yogi is required to be attentive to the digestive and eating routine of his body.

      That is part of hatha yoga.

      The Patanjali system lists it under the terms of asana and pranayama but the Hatha Yoga Pradipika gives more exposure to this attentiveness.

      Materialistic people have a saying:

      "Mind your own business."

      In yoga that advice should be followed like this:

      Be attentive to what happens in your psyche. Who cares about anyone else?

      • Correct! Pulled into inevitable entanglements!

        Need to stay away from such quagmires!

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