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Dance of Kundalini-1: Kundalini vs Time

Prana shows the way and Kundalini dances all along!

This is a one-year report.

This is a time-domain of how kundalinis manifest in various forms and zones in the body.

This time-domain chart will give the reader a glimpse of one man's journey thru breath-infusion practice.

Strict following of these Fundamentals helped me immensely:

  1. Patanjali Yoga Sutra (1.21)
  2. Patanjali Yoga Sutra (3.30)
  3. Variations of Virasana and Padmasana
  4. Hatha Yoga Prathipika - Chapter - 3
  5. Hatha Yoga Prathipika (3.6) - Mahavedha

Fundamental Lifestyle changes:

  1. Diet (one meal per day and no night eating)
  2. All Yogi Madhvacharya Das Books especially Inself Series (esp. before sleeping)
  3. Journaling and Astral Recollection
  4. Avoid Materialistic association, media, or books. Do bare minimum.
  5. Be connected to an advanced Yogi 

This experience shows how non-linear the progress can be. Weather, food, and association are very critical factors.


To Yogi Madhvacharya Das, his books, teaching, and training. Without his notes and teaching the practice, nothing would have happened and his willingness to answer even in midnight 2am calls is simply beyond any words in English to express gratitude. His grace and his patience to put up with me after so many drilling and annoying questions and mainly the karmic weight/ nuisance that comes thru me.

All astral gurus like Ramana, Nisargadatta, Lahiri Baba, Muktananda, Thirumoolar, Agastya, and other invisible gurus whom I could not recognize, who helped me directly and indirectly all along. 

All Inself yoga posts, senior members like Arpana's generosity in sharing her knowledge, and several old forum posts of Marcia Beloved, Alfredo also helped me immensely during my quest.



Progression of Kundalini vs Days:

On these days, different types of Kundalini were manifesting.


No. of Days to Discover it took to discover each Kundalini:

It took 203 days (almost 7 months to get my first kundlaini rise thru spine. Some had it instantaneously, some had in a week, a year or years, it changes. It took 7 months to get the first one rise.

It took me so long to understand the practice itself to at least 50%, somehow I managed to learn my way thru it. Then other types happened accordingly. It is a learning curve, very unique to each one.


No. of Days to Discover it took to discover each Kundalini: (Waterfall Chart)

Same data as above but with waterfall plot for better data visualization

It is a learning curve, very unique to each one.



The key factors that made the transition from one to another kundalini:

Prana shows the way and Kundalini dances all along! Some asanas or locks, the person will discover at a certain stage that will be tailor-made for that person's psyche. This is my experience. 


Replies (6)
    • very good report


      • These 2 reports on kundalini, particularly based on your own direct experiences, are a testament to your dedication and curiosity.  You approach this with the discipline of a research scientist.  Well done!

        I'm happy you got some help from some old posts of mine.  That was a shocker to me because I never really understand kundalini and often felt intimidated by requirements of the practice.  Thus, such a contrast in attitude and discipline that makes such a difference in results and insights gained. And it also highlights the helpfulness of sharing. 

        I like your statement: Prana leads the way.  The movement of energies and the variety of associated sensations is critical.  From my current Buddhist perspective, I would just note that while watching and tracking prana, one is anchored in the present moment.  That is essential in keeping the mind from proliferating on the past and speculating on the future. If we do that consistently, that is when we shift into higher dimensions and states of consciousness.  Prana leads the way but we have to be fully attentive to it.

        And in your case, psychic sensitivity to assistance from the astral and being able to connect to and confidently take help from teachers and yogis in subtle dimensions seems to be really significant. 

        I wish you great luck as you embark on your second year of practice. There is more to do!  Thanks for sharing your journey thus far.  


        • Thanks, Marcia for your wishes.

          "Prana leads the way" is borrowed from Michael's books, not mine. But I am a testament to it too. 

          Your question on why raise Kundalini when prana itself can clean the system? is a powerful one and you opened the door for the distinction. Michael's answer was "yes, the prana can clean but not all grades of pollutants, higher grade pollutant needs high grade energy like kundalini". These and other psychic events and your leg kundalini events, when base chakra slips down to your feet one day, were all testament to your deep practice, these gave confidence thru the journey.

          And I am also still learning on this Kundalini subject, I still annoy Michael with very basic or distinction-type questions on it. 

          Patanjali advises against the doubt energy and Michael's answers are like the fire to clean this doubt energy within our psyche. Also, I like the tennis match like volleying the Q & As between you guys. It sets fire to many of the doubt energy in my psyche and also questions I could not even frame properly or dare to ask or does not even arise to ask in the first place?

          Your posts from 2010-2013 were used as learning in 2021-2022, a decade later. Especially, stomach down lock from one of your notes made a big difference. Who thought a decade later, someone might find your notes very useful. 

          Also, your post on the arrow in the chest region, the poetry of Buddha was so fresh and one of my favorites... The grace of God and gurus, I got to see it.

          • Interesting!  I was quite the upstart and I'm glad my challenges helped someone. 

            I like the Buddha's poetry too.  Some things we just read or hear and take it in and it provides a sort of transmission.  Grace in action. 

            I like to think that my kundalini yoga practice prepared me for the Buddhist path. I couldn't integrate the purpose of kundalini movements and rises or understand where it was leading spiritually or even practically. It still doesn't make sense to me so its interesting to read the experiences of others such as yourself. 

            • Stage 1. Core-self (atma) vs intellect + Kundalini

              After Kundalini yoga, when Kundalini is disabled or suspended temporarily,

              Stage 2. Core-self vs intellect

              This is where the real battle begins...

              After buddhi or Kriya yoga, core-self hiding in naad absorption and chit akash opens for few seconds, minutes or hours, you are lucky.

              Stage 3. Core-self triumphs.

              Once you are back to this mundane existence, all problems comes back into full force. 

              So, every day we start from this stage 1 to stage 3, shortly go back to stage 3 to stage 1.

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