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Nāḍī Series-1: Rare Subtle body Channels

Sunday, ‎November ‎28, ‎2021, 12 pm IST, Chennai (Madras), India

Nāḍī → Subtle body Channel or tubes.

*Nāḍī or Subtle body channel will be interchangeably used in the below writing.


The atmosphere was a mixture of drizzling, cloudy, and also had a good amount of solar energy. Nice weather to sit on patio.

This was an intense breath infusion session that went for a few hours.


As per Patanjali's Yoga Sutra: 

Chapter 3: Vibhūti Pāda: Glory Displayed, Verse 30

नाभिचक्रे कायव्यूहज्ञानम्॥३०॥

nābhicakre kāyavyūhajñānam

nābhi – navel; cakre – on the energy gyrating center; kāya – body; vyūha – arrangement, lay out; jñānam – knowledge.

By complete restraint of the mento-emotional energy in relation to focusing on the navel energy-gyrating center, the yogi gets knowledge about the layout of his body.


This was my inspiration, after infusing a lot of prana at the front navel chakra (belly button region, not back), several Nāḍī layouts can be discovered in different poses.

The front navel chakra truly opens the cartography of the subtle body channels.

One can notice the following features while observing Nāḍī Maps:

  1. Several layouts, some complete or partial channel layouts can be seen. 
  2. different diameter of these channels (quarter-inch to 4-inch diameter)
  3. pure white color (I think I see it in white because it was purified) 


Here are the images: 

1. Very thin pure white Nāḍī tubes rising upwards from front navel chakra (belly button) to shoulder blades 



2. This was discovered during doing the second and third time the Butterfly pose (bandha konasana).

These Nāḍīs are seen in the core of the body (not front or back).

Left and right core Nāḍī's can be seen here.

In the next image, you will see the central core


3. Core Central Nāḍī (not back nor front) and diverges to core central Thigh Nāḍī (Thigh bone)

Central core Nāḍī is thicker than left and right Nāḍīs.


4. Thick central core Nāḍī layout in head. This appeared during breath-infusion and also stayed during while sitting for meditation linking to naad. This can be felt quite well inside the subtle head.


5. Nāḍīs travel from Front navel chakra to:

  1. Muladhara Chakra (Base Chakra, Tail bone)
  2. Sex Bulb (Sex Kanda) [Genitals]
  3. Anus (slightly away from tail bone, where excretion happens)

I found these pathways to be very important and handy to energize these regions. 


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