Comment to 'Tīrtha Series-2: Kalighat Temple '
  • Even though Paramhansa Ramakrishna was a devotee of Ma Kali and described her in a way which causes other persons to want to be in her association, generally speaking yogis do not flock to her association. Ramakrishna is not to be imitated or followed for that matter, unless he specifically appears to some yogi and assumes a spiritual teacher role and becomes responsible for that yogi’s progress.


    What is it if as an infant, I am sucking every woman’s breast whom I see in the market one day? What is it if when I am left aside in a trolley, every woman who passes by has pity on me, exposes her nipple and shoves it into my mouth?

    Would it be worse? Would it be better, if only my mother breast-fed me?


    My read out is that Kali was produced from Durga when there was the episode and challenge to Durga for killing Mahishasura. And Kali had a killing job to do. Yes, she is mother but so is Durga and so is Lakshmi and so is Sarasvati and others like Ganga. Why then would any yogi want to be Kali’s child. And if that is the case, then why hesitate? Just be her child and be done with it.


    Read about Kali from the original source which is the Devi Purana. Find out how she first appeared and what her job is. I feel from what I read so far that it is not to help yogis. She is there to deal with males who disrespect and abuse females and so goes so far as to drink their blood. Is that the kind of mother a yogi wants? Why should a yogi push the Devi Purana aside and just read about the goddess on the basis of some nice talks by Ramakrishna?


    Some kids have a policewoman for mother, others have a secretary for mother, others have a teacher for mother. It depends. If the father is a butcher, then of course one will go to a butcher’s room every day but another child may never see such a place.


    A yogi should keep a respectable distance from the ghastly deities like Kali, Kalabhairava, ChinnaMasta and others, regardless of male or female. Respect should be there but distance as well. This applies too to Kali Yuga Devata and Dvapara Yuga Devata.


    There is a supernatural woman, death personified., Once I saw her. It is not that I went looking for her. But I saw her, maybe by accident. I happen to be in a dimension where she was located. I offered respects but I got out of there as soon as I could. She noticed me but she was not in a good mood but in her eyes, there was this, get out of my way kid, I am busy now. I will return to take you later, attitude.


    That was her message. A real bad ass person. Which yogi wants to see her but all the same which yogi in his right mind wants to offend her if she is seen? Does she care about anyone’s yoga practice? I doubt it.


    What is Kali Ma’s interest in some yogi who assumes that because she was gracious to Ramakrishna, her own child, she will be interested like that in some other male ascetic?