Comment to 'Conducting an interview '
  • Memory must also be assessed in terms of value.

    What does that mean?

    Each memory is stored in the psyche with a particular value but it is automatically or involuntarily done in the mind. According to the value that is the weight of the memory. According to the weight that is the compelling force of it, such that heavy memories are difficult to dispel and are persistent and resistant to the control of the coreSelf.

    In reviewing your post, I noticed a heavy value which was given to the original experience which was not a dream in the astral world but an incidence in the physical one. However physical incidences are also dream experiences. See this sentence where the value was levied on the particular question asked by the interviewer.

    I later learnt that turnover means the annual gross sales.

    This learning process and the memory energy involved caused the experience of the interview to derive much weight, which means that it derived a resistance energy where in the future you would have difficulty erasing it from the memory. Just as certain pencil marks or a ballpoint pen mark are not easily erased from a paper but require much rubbing and even solvents, so memories like the one mentioned cannot easily be erased.

    Even ignoring them in the mind will not erase them. Only confrontation and brute command of the mind can remove them and that is if the yogi/yogini even has that sort of power.


    What happened is that the experience of being unable to answer that question stunned the mind and it took steps to protect itself from that specific intimidation in the future by carefully marking the experience, integrating the answer, and also keeping the incidence stored so that in the future it could be used against someone whom you would manage.

    Those mental operations were done by the kundalini lifeForce which is runs a protection racket to make the self to which it belongs impervious to assaults from others and also to be in a position to successfully attack others. These features should be brought under control.