Comment to 'Beginning of sentience'
  • Aniroodh Sivaraman

    Check Srimad Bhagavatam for details about how the cosmos came about. You may find verses like this one (Bhaktivedanta translation).

    ŚB 2.5.19

    कार्यकारणकर्तृत्वे द्रव्यज्ञानक्रियाश्रया: ।बध्नन्ति नित्यदा मुक्तं मायिनं पुरुषं गुणा: ॥ १९ ॥

    kārya-kāraa-karttvedravya-jñāna-kriyāśrayāḥbadhnanti nityadā muktamāyina purua guṇāḥ


    kārya — effect; kāraa — cause; karttve — in activities; dravya — material; āna — knowledge; kriyā-āśrayāḥ — manifested by such symptoms; badhnanti — conditions; nityadā — eternally; muktam — transcendental; māyinam — affected by material energy; puruam — the living entity; guṇāḥ — the material modes.


    These three modes of material nature, being further manifested as matter, knowledge and activities, put the eternally transcendental living entity under conditions of cause and effect and make him responsible for such activities.



    Buddhi and ahankar are produced by the prakriti (psychic nature) with a little stirring from Lord Vishnu. Buddhi and ahankar have nothing to do with the spiritual world or brahman effulgence.

     If the human beings were produced by prakriti for the most part, then whatever the humans do must also be the production of prakriti. Someone may object to that because our conventional view is that humans are superior but that is just a natural prejudice and it serves the purpose for us to segregate ourselves from everything else in nature. However it is a fact that we are a mere part of nature and the production of human beings is mostly based on genetic progression not on superiority. But again whatever ever humans do must be a production of nature by virtue of the fact that the humans are themselves productions of nature.


    The human species outperformed the other higher mammals like the apes and lions. So if an ape decides to think this true, it might claim that the humans are some sophisticated software with a better program.

    We are in a similar position when compared to AI. In a chess game, AI will excel the human because the brain of the human cannot work as rapidly as that of the AI’s central processing unit (brain).

    But again the whole thing is a production of nature, where it excels what it produced before and may set at odds the new body against all previous bodies, like how the humans wiped out other species which they felt were threats. It makes sense then that AI may in the future try to kill off the humans. That is not an AI specialty. It is just nature’s way which happened before with the humans being the last super killers, who tolerated no dominance or use by any other species which came before humans.

    • Thanks for correcting on cosmic buddhi and cosmic ahankar. 

      Then everything is Prakriti's play. 

      Prakriti's creation of jivatma buddhi is creating artificial buddhi which in turn created artificial consciousness.

      I assumed that spark of consciousness could be a spark of divinity or from supernatural realm, but looks like all is Buddhi and Prakriti's play. 

      Informative exchange of thoughts on a impending revolution yet to come.