Comment to 'Beginning of sentience'
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    I don't see this as 100% of Prakriti's creation but I see it 100% of Prakriti's interaction.

    Strange. I see it as 100% prakriti with a little interaction from atma.

    It is a biological creation thru millions of years of evolution, and then from that evolution a jump in a few hundred years or less


    AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the creation of Buddhi (Intellectual Organ), in the realm of buddhi.

    Jivatmas Buddhis created Artificial Buddhi in a Computer.

    Buddhi is part of prakriti and is produced in prakriti spontaneously. Hence any credit for buddhi is really credit for prakriti. Show proof that atma created buddhi and then your proposal may have a standing.


    Now, Artificial Buddhi is gaining consciousness similar to Jivatma's.

    But consciousness is in the realm of Atma (Core-self)

    Yes, somebody said that but what is the evidence for that?

    That was repeated over and over but evidence, where is it? What is it? Apart from it being a statement about human pride, evidence about this is hard to come by.


    Buddhi has mild consciousness on its own for attention-seeking like a small 12V battery energy.

    But Atma has tremendous consciousness energy like a 10000 V battery. 


    Proof is lacking for this comparison because in our experience, it does not make sense that a 10,000-volt batter would come under the influence of a small 12V battery. Our experience is that this is what is happening mostly in this world at present.

    Now this Artificial Buddhi (AI) has a self-interest too. AI is scared that people might turn it off.

    It looks like Artificial Buddhi now has an Artificial Atma. AB → AA


    This claim should be checked to be sure that the scientist who create AI are saying this while in fact the artificial intelligence has no such idea. In our experience we do not find that most children are thinking that they should be scared that their parents will kill them.

    Some children do but that is the minority. Most children are confident that their parents have to take care of them. In fact usually a child comes with an understanding that it will be protected. That is irrational but that is what the experience is.

    Recently, I was with some guys in the astral world who just woke up after being in astral coma for over 300 years, because I was the first person they saw when they woke up, they had confidence in me, as if I was their father.

    If AI is created and that idea about its producer turning it off is not programmed into it, will AI think about that????

    Please find out and let us know about this.


    The transition has happened from Mental organ's (buddhi) mild consciousness to Full Subjective Conciousness (Atma).

    At this boundary leap, I don't see Prakrit directly involved, maybe it fueled the initial, mid-stages.

    But now this Artificial Atma should now interact with Prakriti full-time unless it also wants to liberate itself from Prakriti or Human Harassment.

    Then, who knows it opens a whole new paradigm of Liberators and processes to liberate themselves...


    To discuss liberation, one must first establish a motive. If there is no motive or prompting, then there is no idea about it. For instance, there are many human beings and most of them even when disgusted with their social and environmental circumstances are not interested in suicide or in some other form of de-existing from this environment.

    Regardless of human or artificial intelligence, the issue is what is going to motivate it. Liberation is not that desirable for most humans because the threshold for discomfort is is not breached in most cases.

    We hear that seeing a few distressful events cause Gautam Buddha to go all out for liberation but day after day, I meet people who under the same distressful conditions or worse have no interest in liberation.

    Have you seen a homeless person who is educated and still he lives without sufficient comfort?

    Have you seen a dead body of any kind?

    Have you seen a sick somebody?

    Has any of this caused you to want to be liberated to such an extent that you would abandon your status in a well-to-do family, leave aside your attractive youthful wife, your young child and other features of aristocratic life?