Comment to 'Cell Kundalini / Full Spread'
  • More Responses:


    • olga Jimenez

      olga Jimenez I love this

    • Vincent Milardo

      Vincent Milardo I find practising tai chi, self-hypnosis and meditation a powerful and natural way to acheive the non ordinary state. Once felt and acheived ecpressing it through service creates balance and joy...

    • Michelle Edwards

      Michelle Edwards Fascinating. Thanks for posting

    • Tuula Biamont

      Tuula Biamont Hi, Michael! I wonder if the right side and left side kundalini, right and left arm kundalini, right and left thigh kundalini and so on, can give strong tremblings and shakings of the body? Often spontaneously? I experience this kind of shaking quite often and it always starts from my left arm, going on to other parts of my body. In the end the whole trunk is shaking. I don't understand what it is all about... :(

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Tuula Biamont,
      Your experience is definitely being initiated and controlled by kundalini but then again nearly everything done in the body and by the body which is involuntary is configured by the kundalini. 

      For all it is the core-self, the atma (Sanskrit), is not the factor among factors which runs and maintains the body. This is done by the kundalini with some help from the core-self. 
      What or who is the core?
      It is the observing self and it is only the superficial master of decisions. For instance who or what makes the decision to breathe? Of course at some times, infrequently that observing self takes command of the breathing apparatus but in most cases, it does not control breathing.

      My issue here is that everything, nearly everything being done in or by the body is kundalini operating with the observing self as a superficial bystander, a willing or unwilling witness, an objective or subjective involver.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Tuula Biamont,

      Special actions of the kundalini may be initiated by the kundalini or by the core-self. These are the actions which we are concerned with as yogis. But we are also observant of what the kundalini does as in your experience where it causes the body to shake and tremble in an unusual way.

      The special actions are usually accompanied by bliss feelings as I described in the original post. In your experiences is there any bliss feelings as described:

      This feels as if the entire trunk is made of pixelated energy of bliss in the color of white, or ice-white, or blue-tinged white or white yellow energy, and with a camphor cooling or camphor heating bliss feeling.
