Comment to 'End of the Road'
Comment to End of the Road
  • Well written!

    Mathematically I rewrote what you encapsulated in your writing:


    You resent being a function of time?

    But that is an overestimation.


    y= f(t) [A simple function of time]

    • y= Limited entity's (jivatma) destiny
    • t= time
    • Destiny written as function of time (It is a simple equation that can be solved)


    You resent being a function of time?

    But that is an overestimation.

    You may be a function of a function of a function, unlimitedly!

    It is acceptable to be a near-nothing.


    y= f(g(h(j...........(x,y,...t))

    • y= Limited entity's (jivatma) destiny
    • t= time
    • x =place, object,... etc
    • f(x), g(x), h(x), j(x)..... = Different types of function

    That's how complex the destiny can get where there are infinite solutions to several variables.

    The person solves such a equation in scientific world will get a Nobel prize.

    Nature solves such equations flawlessly and precisely with higher dimensions which are beyond human conception from this side of existence.

    Only people from other side of the nature can do the precise math of the destiny like Buddha, Shiva, Krishna, etc!