Comment to 'Kundalini Expression in Arms'
  • A strange coincidence indeed!

    The earth may be regarded as the mirror’s edge between the higher worlds and the subterranean dimensions. More often than not, the mushrooms give access to the subterranean. They may on occasion give slight access to the higher places where siddhas and deities abound. However, there are also deities in the subterranean places.

    If someone is in a hurry, he may become liberated from the mirror’s edge by going to the subterranean places but then he is likely to come out again as who knows what because he will loose objectivity and will surface in the world where the ticks rule sway.

    No damage. It is all life anyway!

    Someone will know that he/she is a feature of experience, a face of that, a changing face clown in the carnival of alternate reality.

    The poor tick. It thought you were friendly. It was in a dream where it was being fed the best but which for it, ended in a nightmare. What is painful and uncomfortable for one may be life and vitality for the others.

    “For this horse manure, you may give us your body,” said the bacterium.

    “O no," said the elf, "I will kill you because this horse shit is not worth my blood.”