Comment to 'Bacterial Living Forms'
  • In terms of inSelf Yoga, this also means that these hand-me-down responses are part of the memory. Due to rampant arrogance we do not rate or value instinct as memory. As humans we segregate ourselves because we delve into recall. Actually most of the so called recall is based on language transmission, aurally or literally. It is not based on actual brain recall. Nature invests mostly in instinctive tendency as a form of memory. In deep meditation one can come to admit this. When developed it causes intense humility. From another angle, from that of the subtle body, the new guinea pigs may also be carrying the memory in the form of instinct from the previous life when those animals were the forebears of their current parents. It may be that it is a combination of the new one's memory plus that of their parents, as the old tendencies from the past life is plough into the new format which was inherited from the new parents. This is calculus, not arithmetic.