Comment to 'Spirit of Hitler'
Comment to Spirit of Hitler
    • Lisa Calhoun-Walker This speaks to my soul as I read Ken Wilber's Integral spirituality...#timely #synchronicity

    • Dr. Surendra Nundoo

      Dr. Surendra Nundoo Namaste Michael .
      A negative Karma teaching thought : Hitler's soul lament revolves around the theme ; I have been doing good for so many lives ..... why no positive karma ?

    • Dr. Surendra Nundoo

      Dr. Surendra Nundoo Massive Genocide and Afterlife dimension .? 
      Karmic lessons can last n times life on earth !
      Finally I loved this post !


      DENNIS PELON Michael, You are such a deep thinker and vanguard for justice that I admire. You may be more current and "present " were you to tackle ISIS the religious and more pernicious version of the same root evil as the Nazi's and Hitler. These individuals seek to subjugate others with their religious doctrine, rape others to show their dominance and behead those who would object. ISIS is like the Nazis on steroids. I don't think current generations relate to the Nazis that well but might best become acquainted with the

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Surendra and Dennis,

      I had another encounter with the spirit of Hitler. I was reading the book “KL” by Nikolaus Wachsmann. I was reading about how the early concentration camps were formed. At the time it was the communists who were the targets primarily, not the Jews.

      As I was reading about how the SA and SS men were treating those who were arrested as communists, I sensed the presence of Adolf again, just next to me but this time he was in an astral body which was like of a ten year old boy.

      He said to me, “See. The fault is not all mine. Others were involved. In 1933, I was not in full command and could not have served as the motivation for all those horrible deeds. I should not have to carry the consequences for all of that.”

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved I then said to him. “Shut up you idiot. One more word out of your mouth and I will kick the living shit out of you. Srila Yogeshwarananda put you with your miserable karmic package near to me but that does not mean you can express yourself to me as you will. Just shut up.

      “You are reading this book as I read it by getting the impressions out of my mind but that is as far as you may go. Just be silent from now on, you rotten egg.”

      After this he kept silent all the while. It is interesting that his subtle body assumed the shape of a juvenile human because to take rebirth one has to assume the mentality of a child, otherwise one’s lifeforce energy cannot adapt to becoming an embryo.

      What hell it might be for any two persons who has to parent a global criminal?

    • Hari Nam Singh

      Hari Nam Singh How are yo sure he is not already on the planet?

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Hari Nam Singh 

      The subtle body has a certain feel to it when it does not have an accompanying physical form. This is intuitional of course which means it is a subjective understanding. An example of that is like if a teenager tries to buy cigarettes and the clerk by looking at the person’s face and other factors suspects that the person is not an adult. In most cases the clerk will be correct because of things like lack of facial hair or hair-stubs in the case of males, lack of facial maturity and age lines in the case of females. But just the general demeanor is an indication. None of this is scientific and yet it works most of the time. Intuition is like that but it is important for the yogi to check his intuition time and time again to see if it is reliable and also to fine tune it by deeper meditation practice.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved The real question is:
      Has a certain person who is departed developed the attitude of becoming someone’s infant. In other words, has that person lost the adult demeanor which it developed in the past life after reaching sexual maturity? One cannot become an embryo unless one develops a child’s demeanor hereafter because one has to fit into the accommodating energy (nurturing force) of the potential parents. That is a psychological matching system. The person in question has not reached the stage of having that demeanor due to running here and there avoiding his enemies and those whom he or his agents victimized. 

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved He also has a repulsive vibration where most would-be parents sense that he is not someone who could be loved as a dependent or relative because of his abhorrent activities. He also has in his mind, energy for not finishing what he wanted to do and for displeasing the population which followed him because his plans failed them. Some of these issues have to be resolved before he can be positioned emotionally to be an infant.
