Comment to 'Reincarnation: Who Is It That Travels?'
  • The approaches of inSelf Yoga, Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism are certainly different. Perhaps there are more similarities between Advaita and Buddhism but I really don't know any more about Advaita Vedanta than what I heard in this monk's talk.  In the Buddhist teachings I've received, there is no direct reference to a subtle body.  However, it almost seems that through studying the mind and the body with vipassana technique,  the subtle body is being perceived through noting all gross and subtle sensations, moods and feelings, and visions.  With containment (pratyhar) the subtle body is confined to the parameters of the physical form and is studied in its bare state. Dreams may be experienced with the ideal of having none.  So the differences are real.  As for the dispelling of ignorance, this is not gifted by a teacher.  There may be instructions and darshan which points the way but the validation comes from direct experience.  I wish all practicioners of the various paths well.  I'm acting within the flow of my previous deeds, accomplishments and impressions. I think the most important thing to do and which we can do within our limitations, is to keep track of experiences and insights and allow the path to unfold while being acutely aware of what's happening.