Comment to 'Astral Nude World'
  • These persons were from a place where there are angelic beings whose subtle bodies have only the sattva guna clarifying energy. These are not yogis in the way we understand that term when using a physical body. They do not do austerities. The people who are on the plane of existence from which they hail, do no austerities and still they are not attracted to rebirth or physical history, or liberation even.

    Because of a release of a memory energy in their psyches, they came to visit. I was reported as being absent from that place, and I was traced to where I am currently. This was a reminder that I have other associations in other places, and should not create more links to anyone or anything on this earthly plane. Such earthly relationship would further stall my return to those other places.

    For some time now in this body and before, I endeavored to break off from earth history and to close out relationship accounts, but thus far I failed to do it. Visits like these provide more impetus to end my interest here.