Comment to 'Shining Face Yogi'
  • Aniroodh Sivaraman

    Right now, there is a slight possibility that he may return to this side of existence but it would not be to take a physical embryo, only for him to be in a place like Brahmaloka where the creatorGod resides.

    His psyche has no interest energy in it for rebirth in a physical dimension. The only interest it has, is to be with advanced yoga teachers, and even that is being reduced from moment to moment.

    He is in a place where there are others who achieved the same trance absorption. Some are there because they were never attracted to the physical situations or the subtle world. They also never were in any other transcendental place even.

    Some yogis are like rockets which blast off from the earth, but then after sixty seconds, the fuel burns out, or some other unfavorable incidence occurs, and the rocket falls back to the earth.

    Some other yogis reach high in the atmosphere but their fuel burns out before the rocket reached beyond the earth’s gravity. These go for a while, and then they are drawn back to the earth. Some crash and burn. Others use large parachutes and come down without a crash.

    And yet some other yogis, like this one, are propelled beyond the earth’s pulling gravity. These reach outerspace and remain there or may go elsewhere if they have the appropriate means.