Comment to 'Pranayama Breath Infusion Details'
  • Michael Beloved wrote: the advanced student has the extra task of meditating during the breath infusion in various postures and while sitting after finishing the infusion session.

    Dean's comment: Thank you for this. I have noticed in my practice that this happens instinctively.  Once kundalini bursts while doing a particular asana, I automatically stay in that posture until the energy dissipates before moving on to the next one.     

    • That is a case of where your intuition was correct but intuition can in many instances be incorrect. No yogi should assume that intuition is infallible. It does make mistakes. Hence always note it and double check instead of being arrogant and super self-confident.opl

      There are my cocky people who desire to do yoga and who assume that once it is the intuition, it has to be correct. These people are of no use on this path.

      Observing the intuition carefully one will, over time, know when it is giving bad advice and when it is not doing so. One will learn to sense when it is in a clarifying mode and when it is under undesirable influence. It must be calibrated.