It is transmission and reception, like for instance in the case of radio, where a signal with a content it transmitted. This goes nowhere unless there is an electronic device to receive the signal and interpret it for human ears which are a reception device.
If one is affected in an undesirable way by a transmission, then the best solution is to be removed from it so that your reception equipment does not get the broadcast. I realize that it is not that simple. One may be forced to hear or see a transmission. Or one may be forcibly attracted to it in such a way that it is irresistible. If it is then one has to indulge and enjoy or suffer accordingly.
For a yogi whatever is irresistible, whatever cannot be avoided, whatever one does not have the power to buffer, should be analyzed to determine the source, the motive, the reception of it by the yogi and why the yogi is helpless in relation to it.
One should not form the idea that every transmission can be avoided because that is just not a fact. However, one should develop insight to know of the transmission as I stated in the paragraph above this.
Gaining insight into the origin of the transmission, the motive of the transmitter, the helpless reception of it and the effects of it on one’s psyche, is the benefit one would gain as a yogi in cases where one could not avoid the transmission.
I know that many students of inSelf Yoga™ get this idea that the practice will correct everything and give every possible resistance. However, that is not true because a limited being cannot correct every circumstance and cannot resist every possible influence. Unless one moved into a dimension where there are no negative influences, one will encounter negativities which one cannot buffer. Therefore, insight into these overpowering factors is the aim not full conquest over them.