Comment to 'Dalai Lama / Tibetan Greetings Conflict'
  • The Dalai Lama’s actions from my purview, does not appear to have sexual intent. Perhaps, this is a surface level observation without venturing into speculative analysis. Regardless of my opinion, the western influenced media scored a big-ticket story. And the child protection advocates, and the moralists are coming out of the woodworks to assassinate his status. This is without proper consideration for cultural context and differences. One may ask, what is to be gained by the naysayers from all this? 

    Since I am not versed in Tibetan Cultural norms, I cannot accurately judge his actions. However, for all the politicking that he does, I am surprised that he did not consider the international perception, nor the cameras that were present. After all, he is regarded as a role model for millions around the world and thus held to a higher standard. For 70+ years he built a positively accepted public persona. However, nature saw it fit to build upon her own track record. She supported a mountain of achievements, only to push him off whilst he hovered at the top. Such a sad ending to an almost perfect tale.

    It seems that nature is not partial towards her superstars. Such a story is often recurring throughout history. It could even be likened to a Hollywood movie. It has a charismatic character, an entertaining story, plot, and many twists with the illusion of a happy ending. Who wants to audition for that? And if one is not interested, one had better hide because there are scouts everywhere looking for the next talent.