Comment to 'Romantic Notions Haunt a Yogi'
  • There are various types of sunlight bodies. One type which that lady showed, is based on living on earth with a relatively neutral attitude to events, where by nature that person does not react to every social circumstance and is more like a passive bystander during the lifetime of the body. These people have an innate disinterest in human history even when they are subjected to appalling social and environmental conditions.

    People who act like this may assume a transparent or sunlight body and still be in a dimension hereafter which is near to this earthly plane. This does not mean that this person is self-realized in the yogi sense. This person may or may not be so, and will take rebirth as a human being sooner or later.

    There are other types of sunlight bodies, like for instance, someone who shifts into the sun energy before or after the death of the physical form. It is likely that this person will not take a physical body but will instead shift upwards totally to be a sun-being, losing the perspective of being a human-being.

    And there are still other types of sunlight bodies, even though these are rarely experienced by anyone using a physical body.