Comment to 'Romantic Notions Haunt a Yogi'
  • Suryananda 

    The rule applies at any time one is on the astral side, irrespective of if one utilizes a physical body or not. However it is mentioned to remind yogis especially because yogis would be foolish to do things on the psychic level which are counterproductive and which would cause a yogi to lose progress or to be deprived of associations and information which that yogi needs to advance further.

    It is not that a yogi should only be agreeable but it is that a yogi should act in his/her interest according to the laws of nature and how those energies react for or against spiritual advancement. A yogi is not supreme and hence, he/she should act in a way that facilitates progress so that the all-pervading energies do not obstruct progress tp higher realms.


    A pill to swallow?

    Yes, even a bitter pill is worth the swallow if it will cause more advancement up the road.

    Want to rock nature’s boat?

    Okay, go ahead and suffer the consequences up the road.

    Can’t keep your trap (mouth) shut when you should?

    Good! Deal with the reactions further up the alley.

    Want to challenge nature’s operations which she enacts privately or secretly?

    Want to be a truth teller in every circumstance?

    Good! Then let nature block your passage upwards, and hold you responsible for triggering resentments and hard feelings.