Comment to 'Tools for inSelf Yoga Series- 12: Use of Stop-watch/ visual timer for internalization in Breath Infusion practice'
  • Sensitivity of attention energy is different from the each atma's control of his own attention energy. 

    It is like sensing with a signal detector that there is cosmic microwaves coming from distant galaxies and our solar system and earth is filled with it. I can detect but I can't do anything about it. I can shield temporary but how far, whatever effect it ought have on the objects within its field will manifest by laws of material nature.

    Same way, the psychic distractions are sometimes unstoppable when a huge psychic wave is emitted from strong material entities or lower deities, so I am trying to shield as much as possible or make the psychic senses immune to shield off most harmful rays from penetrating the psyche. Absolute shielding looks very bleak. 

    And the level of sensitivity also varies from time to time with me, with consistent practice, it does get more sharper but distractions will bring it down quickly. It is up and down game constantly. 

    Mindfulness is a very broad term and it is a very relative term to each individual's prowess. Absolute mindfulness is near impossible for limited entities and need to take help from higher beings, books, etc. 

    My mindfulness is up and down and mostly it goes to crap faster than up. If it goes up for two days, next 2 weeks the bad part of psyche brings it down to recondition back to old state again. It is tough battle inside the psyche and from other entities inside and outside the body. 

    I know my limitations now to some extent in terms of detering the others influence and also self weakness in doing a self influence. So, trying to patch up a old car (my eternal psyche that took many births) as much as possible. 

    My mindfulness is personally crap and I have even recorded the number of thoughts I have in 30 minutes, the numbers are like 200+ thoughts / 30 minutes., i.e. 7 thoughts / min. 

    My psyche is crap but it also depends on the energy it consumes and there is always going to be a certain quota of lower energy in this universe and it's effects has to be minimalized. That's is best I could do so far.