Comment to 'video / Future of Society?'
  • Great assessment Tobe, thanks!

    In terms of inSelf Yoga™ where would he begin?

    How could he be shown that he uses the intellect as a sort of social calculator and that this is an unwanted addiction?

    Really, it is an internal problem of the coreSelf against the adjuncts like the kundalini and intellect. On that plane of existence the external trappings have absolutely no meaning and simply hide the real issues which is lack of mind control because the core is being kicked around like a football by the adjuncts.

    How can he step out of the theatre and leave the show to go on with other actors because the way this is there will always be a show playing?

    Remember the old Hebrew idea of the Good Shepherd. He is that except that it is a cover where the sheep are fooled into thinking that because he is gracious enough to keep the knife under his leather jacket.

    But the sheep too are playing the same game. They too are cores being kicked around by the kundalini and intellect.