Comment to 'Subtle Body / Double Occupancy'
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    • Pierre HANCE

      Pierre HANCE Thank You Michaël very interesting post would you recommend me a book ? A+

    • Michael Beloved
    • Pierre HANCE

      Pierre HANCE Thank You ! A+

    • Lauren Babb, MA

      Lauren Babb, MA When considering things like this we need to define what we mean when we say "self" because in the larger sense, Self encompasses all. So any seemingly separate self would be considered an aspect of Self.

      A friend of mine teaches that if we hear a voice with a thought, or the thought comes in words, it is not truly from yourself but rather from " someone else" that you have internalized in some way, which could also be said as someone else you have let into your psyche or energy field.

      Communication with true self is just knowing.

    • Lauren Babb, MA

      Lauren Babb, MA Part of my practice of discerning self is founded on recognizing my true self as divine Self, and my more temporary smaller self as egoicly based. 

      Does anything that is egoic is not true self.

      Discerning between divine & egoic energies is it general practice of mine. If I consider my true self divine then anything egoic would be a certain kind of "posession". Not necessarily in a bad way, just with the recognition that it is not my purest form of self

    • 13 HANDS aka DALIEN

      13 HANDS aka DALIEN I think your gut bacteria and candida albicans are running amok, :) whispering sweet nothings in your ear....feed me, feed me:) while they are hormonally, chemically altering and creating imbalance across the board on levels in and on all koshas...... in addition to any repressed, unresolved traumas... there's a part of our consciousness (upper chakra arenas) that when out of balance in various areas of the physical body interfere with the energy and emotional bodies. Now if all that is truly in balance in your body Michael, then your experiences are quite intriguing... and that's a whole other response I'd write....but do some blood work, stool samples, adrenal, liver enyzme tests..... watch any food reactions to gauge if there are any issues there going on with the lower three chakras. Whatever is stuck down there gets amplified or over amplified upstairs in the upper ones. With love and super vegan dumps, Dalien

    • Mahesh Krishnamurthy

      Mahesh Krishnamurthy You need to guard your space viciously and never give it up to others. This is called self love or self esteem in simple language. When you don’t guard your space, you’ll allow other’s thoughts, feelings and emotions to occupy your space.

    • Caroline Barnes

      Caroline Barnes In a few sentences there, Mahesh you have explained why self-love and self-esteem are not selfish; they are, in fact, essential.